Melancholy of conscience
(Story based on real life)
A boy had a beautiful, attentive and affectionate girlfriend, but he was fed up with her. The girl showed love enough, love, love and attention. She always sent messages of good morning love, calls, etc. Some messages said: "stranger" I love you "you promise that we will never separate. One night before going to bed the boy received a message from her, instead of reading the message that the girl had sent him the boy went to sleep. He woke up and then the mother of the girl called him crying saying that she had been murdered the previous night. The boy hung up and started crying, after about 15 minutes he went to read the message the girl had sent. The message said: love I am in the doorway from your street, come quickly I think someone follows me I love you I'm afraid Moraleja: Never reject the one who loves you and cares about you because one day you will realize that you lost the moon while counting the stars