INTERACTIVE BATTLE TOURNAMENT#2 - The wizards tower of doom - You choose your path

in #contest7 years ago (edited)

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The wizards tower is accessible from three points, you can see the tower on your screen below:


A strange sign post indicates the way, it reads..

“Who unto wizards Tower would go, Must choose Above, Between, Below!". 



Please reply below how your hero will attack the tower?. i.e from above, between or below.

You must choose or you won't be able to continue in the tournament. 

Note: This post isn't a battle post, it's a final fund raising post that splits heroes up into different battle posts with prizes (coming next).

I will reply and give you a link to your first battle post shortly, you will fight different foes pending your choice. It takes along time to make posts, so your attack post above, between or below link may take a few days to appear.



Special thanks to @spaceginger for his artistic skills with the wizards tower and the Interactive Battle Tournament Images above.  

100% of Steem raised from upvotes on this post will be used as  Grand prize money! Several Steem have already been raised and  everything here will be added to this Grand prize. If you are a whale,  dolphin or just a fat fish, now is your chance to help spread prosperity  and grant this page the boon of your Upvote.  


Chuck Norris does not choose a path -- he makes a path by smashing it in!

From the ground, the window entrance may look too high,
but one punch from Chuck makes it end up nigh!


Chuck Norris obliterates the stone between the base of the tower and that window and enters the large gap left between.

Hahahaha, this might be the best answer ever in the history of interactive battles.

Lol! that's a Trophy Token right there!

Please reply here with your bitshares account within 7 days to receive a Trophy.


I'm glad you enjoyed the epic entrance.

bitshares: doughtaker2222

Unrelated note but potentially relevant to future tournament fundraising: I read about a community-style universal basic income (UBI) initiative that's trying to simulate UBI on Steemit in the form of distributing upvotes across members' posts based on each member's stake and posting frequency. I'm guessing that the upvotes currently aren't worth much, but I see potential in the program and I've been sponsoring a few other Steemians into it. If the program succeeds and takes off I think your prize pools would stand to gain a good deal. May I have your permission to sponsor you into the UBI program? (Basically, no action on your part would be required -- you sit back and keep doing what you're doing, and hopefully upvotes of meaningful value would come your way. I deal with all the registration stuff.)

Interactive Battles belong to all Steemians in my book - I'm just the host! ..others have come forward with ideas, images etc and I think it will continue to grow - certainly I'm happy to host if people keep joining in and wanting them. I happily accept any/all help.

Better prizes sound great! Please go ahead with thanks on behalf of all players.

P.S. Your Trophy should be delivered :)


Trophy delivery confirmed; thanks.

Sponsorship done. When it gets processed you'll get a 0.001 STEEM confirmation transaction with a link to the program details.

Thanks mate :)

ARE YOU READY :) - CLICK HERE HERO! Attack from between post is ready, you have 7 days.

Optimus arrives to find a fairly small tower in comparison to his stature, but gives immediate gratitude to the architects that placed an autobot accessible entrance for him BETWEEN two much smaller entrances that surely would have made this tower impregnable. He now heads on his way to adventure, and triumph, over his arch nemesis, the infamous CHUCK NORRIS! Who would surely do everything to stand in his way.

I like Steemians helping each other, obviously Chuck knew..

ARE YOU READY :) - CLICK HERE HERO! Attack from between post is ready, you have 7 days.

Aladdin flies in on his magic carpet from ABOVE.

Almost too easy :)

ARE YOU READY :) - CLICK HERE HERO! Attack from above post is ready, you have 7 days.

Mighty Illusionist of 3 ducks quacking wonders how his ducks will go above if they cannot fly.
Mighty Illusionist remembers he is a Mighty Illusionist and he makes the tower disappear, suddenly there is no contest, unless Mighty Illusionist took the below entrance and made the tower re-appear?
Find out in pt.2 xDDthird-eye-2886688_960_720.jpg

What a quack up!

ARE YOU READY :) - CLICK HERE HERO! Attack from below post is ready, you have 7 days.

I already attacked!

Sorry mate - a cat chasing some dice around put me off!

Hahah. Put her in the cage last time I was off couple points because of her!

The Injoker must take MID or he feeds!
He summons a tornado and rides through it to get to the window between

Nice - I like wind magic, have fun :)
ARE YOU READY :) - CLICK HERE HERO! Attack from between post is ready, you have 7 days.

Birb boy can fly, he attacks from above!

Cool - good luck :)

Magic flying doggo gracefully decends into the above entrance

Go flying doggo!

ARE YOU READY :) - CLICK HERE HERO! Attack from above post is ready, you have 7 days.

Tl;DR = Above

Baby turtle approaches the tower and ponders for a moment. Baby turtle takes off, fins flapping furiousely, and lands pirched atop the tower. Baby turtle enters...


Smooth moves Baby turtle..suprised by the flying powers!

Baby turtle has all the powers

ARE YOU READY :) - CLICK HERE HERO! Attack from above post is ready, you have 7 days.

NinjaGobbo always attacks from below!

ARE YOU READY :) - CLICK HERE HERO! Attack from below post is ready, you have 7 days.

The crouching human eater sneaks up behind the ninja BELOW

NinjaGobbo is da sneakiest.... but he likes the eater of humans... we can hang.

eater looks into the hole and prepares to bite the enemies

Haha calm down guys - the battle posts are coming shortly


ARE YOU READY :) - CLICK HERE HERO! Attack from below post is ready, you have 7 days.

Killer Kotic leaps into the air and attacks from above.

Sweet Kitty got some skills..

ARE YOU READY :) - CLICK HERE HERO! Attack from above post is ready, you have 7 days.

Sylph Illusion shall attack from below

Cool!..looks a bit dark down there

ARE YOU READY :) - CLICK HERE HERO! Attack from below post is ready, you have 7 days.

Wet Cat could take any way he wants but he decided to sneak in from below. Surprise attacks are always the best

arghh sneaky wet cat,coming in via the sewers/drainage area (which are wet - maxing powers)...very smart, I like it!

ARE YOU READY :) - CLICK HERE HERO! Attack from below post is ready, you have 7 days.

No one ever saw it coming, but the Hippo King parachutes in from above, crushing the crenellations upon landing.

Not the most graceful landing, but surely surprise bonus!

ARE YOU READY :) - CLICK HERE HERO! Attack from above post is ready, you have 7 days.

Note - Attack from above notices link correctly but advise that Attack from between is ready.

Thanks mate - Oops.. takes a bit trying to help people to see how to play; once people get the hang I will cut back on the links etc (just for newer players)

Yeah, organising and running something like this can take quite a bit of work. I've liked the links, as it helps find where we're supposed to go next without missing the post in what can be a cluttered feed

I shall attack from below. My cod piece gets in the way when I climb.

Very practical of you :)

ARE YOU READY :) - CLICK HERE HERO! Attack from below post is ready, you have 7 days.

Pumpkin Rider heads down below through the darkness where he knows best. Lighting the way by the souls eaten by his army of pumpkins.

Pumpkin Rider small.jpg

Nasty, but also helpful towards your fellow heroes going this way.

ARE YOU READY :) - CLICK HERE HERO! Attack from below post is ready, you have 7 days.

As above, so below. The one winged fallen angel will attack on below, by the power of gray scull.

Cool! - Great danger awaits, but those gray scull powers should help..Good luck!

ARE YOU READY :) - CLICK HERE HERO! Attack from below post is ready, you have 7 days.

Reverse Flash doesn't need doors as He can phase through walls but He has choices so he chooses to enter through the middle door.

Done in a flash! (cool image)

ARE YOU READY :) - CLICK HERE HERO! Attack from between post is ready, you have 7 days.


You MUST enrol HERE to play...Enrolments are still open:)



Ryuk, loves the shadows. No one can see him without touching his death note but he still prefers the dark, cold shadows. He there naturally chooses to attack the tower from below!

Good luck down there Sneaky Ryuk

ARE YOU READY :) - CLICK HERE HERO! Attack from below post is ready, you have 7 days.

Well damn!, this tower looks pretty well used and abused. Obviously arriving late to the party, Green Warlord can only stare at the destruction. Not trusting the structural integrity of the building, he cautiously approaches the gapping whole in the middle of the tower.....

Green Warlord chooses Between.


I know they nearly knocked it down before the fights started..

ARE YOU READY :) - CLICK HERE HERO! Attack from between post is ready.

Arriving at the wizards tower Bear dismounts his steed and ponders an entrance. "Who am I kidding?" He thinks to himself. "Clearly entering from below is the easiest route."


Hahaha of course!

ARE YOU READY :) - CLICK HERE HERO! Attack from below post is ready

Ice Minotaur knows all towers start at bottom with cold maze like corridors.
I takes the below.

Ice cold moves..(love this pic)

ARE YOU READY :) - CLICK HERE HERO! Attack from below post is ready

El-bobo being a hamster, runs like the wind and dives down into the the entrance below! Ah, a hitman hamsters natural habitat...

Look at that hamster go...making up for lost ground haha

ARE YOU READY :) - CLICK HERE HERO! Attack from below post is ready

Hi skippyza, I would take two trophy tokens for your entry into the wizard post? shit I'll even nominate one of your posts via @trophy-token.

You could get some visiting @trophy-token - I'm thinking you might have what it takes to take down the wizard (great steem prize).

Use trophys here (but not for much longer)

nice game post vote me plsce frineds