INTERACTIVE BATTLE TOURNAMENT#3 - ENROL for the bestest, easy way to win Steem

in #contest7 years ago (edited)

This post is to allow people to enrol for and play in the Interactive Battle Tournament #3.

YOU MUST ENROL NOW! or miss out on the battle fun and easy win steem.  


To Enrol you must:

  • Comment here in this enrolment post indicating that you want to play. i.e. You simply  reply to this post and say "I would like to play".
  • Specify what Character Class you would like to play as, you must be either a Warrior, Thief or Wizard. 

For Extra fun you may:

  •  Provide an image of your character it can be any image you want but its recommended you reference the source of your image (if you didn't create it yourself).
  • Provide a brief description of your player/character it can be anything you like. If your unsure how or  don't  want to post an image (I will assign a random image for you). If  you  don't specify a description, I will provide a random one for you. 

There is no entry fee to enrol, you are simply asked to Upvote the posts.


  • I will confirm your enrolment, you will have 3 life points.
  • A Tournament map will be posted shortly. This map was going to be updated with everyone progressing together, but it was later decided we are going to explore more bots and allow players to progress at your own pace (once battle/stage posts are available).  Therefore the map is just there for reference so you can get an idea on where your character is traveling (what Stage you are up to). If time permits, I'll try to show on the map when a new battle or stage map has been posted.
  • A ITEM SHOP post will appear shortly -  this was going to be much more extensive and like the campaign map I have some ideas for the future, but for the moment it will have just a couple of ITEMS for sale, that can be purchased with Trophy Tokens. To learn more about Trophy tokens see:  trophy-token 
  • After enrolment is closed a series of Battle posts will be posted. There will be a Battle post for each Stage as shown on the Tournament map. This will start in approx 7 days after this post. Look for posts from @lordnigel entitled: INTERACTIVE BATTLE TOURNAMENT#3...
  • A number of item opportunities will be presented through out the Battle posts/Stages, Bots can be used.
  • Finally there will be a final battle against a Boss,  where for any player who makes it and rolls the strongest number will win the IBT#3 and get a large Steem prize

For greater game play information or specific questions on game play, see the GAME INSTRUCTIONS POST. This IBT#3 is experimental so this will be a great place to post questions and seek answers  - especially if you get lost as what to do next.



All else fails, if your new, just watch what others are doing and follow along :)

Good luck everyone, let the enrolments begin!

 Imagines used in the Interactive Battle Tournaments are  often  taken from Abondonware games, the top image today was taken from  the bards tale.  Special thanks to @spaceginger for his artistic skills with the Interactive Battle Tournament Image above.  



I introduce the adorable and tiny Bird boy, a wizard

Cool! - He has lotsa crazy air magic (including poop drop/blind spell)..

  • Welcome to IBT#3 powerful Wizard tiny Bird boy**, your enrolment is confirmed

You have 3 life points:


Proposed Map Name and Theme SongI'll have my character enrollment in a bit, but first I wanted to get this post out there for @lordnigel and the prospective IBT participants to have a look at:

Very cool mate!

.. now we have a name and song, the Dadotoci (aka Tournament Map) shall be posted soon :)

By the power of Grayskull. I shall be a warrior.


Except when the WoW TCG rips me off.

Haha fair enough

  • Welcome to IBT#3 mighty Warrior He-Man, your enrolment is confirmed

You have 3 life points:

Ah, that is the most ripoffness I've ever seen.

That game did a lot of ripoffnessing.

I would like to play.
I am a Medieval Warrior


  • Welcome to IBT#3 mighty Warrior, Medieval Warrior your enrolment is confirmed

You have 3 life points:

Sneaky low down dirty thief reporting for duty.

I should have known :)

  • Welcome to IBT#3 swift thief, Sneaky low down dirty thief your enrolment is confirmed

You have 3 life points:

Running through my list of prospective candidates:

  • Hiyoko-kun, a massively OPed baby chicken for its size who may or may not have learned from both Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris, and would probably be a multi-class... nah, doesn't really fit here, especially with what will probably be a large amount of luck being involved.
  • a capitalist Chocobo who really loves rolling dice and running shops, and would probably be a thief... cute, but this is Dadotoci, not Monopoly. I'll pass.
  • Setzer Gabbiani. Wears heavy armor like a warrior, but uses dice and cards as weapons... perfect!

A sprite of Setzer from Final Fantasy 6, so credit goes to Square Enix.

Setzer Gabbiani... the higher he rolls, the harder he throws! (And the more damage he inflicts on enemies.) He enters IBT#3 as a warrior.

Haha nice reasoning, I like the final choice.

  • Welcome to IBT#3 mighty warrior, Setzer Gabbiani your enrolment is confirmed

You have 3 life points:

Congrats! you have also been selected for a trophy token for your witty enrolment. Please respond within 7 days with your bitshares account to receive.

bitshares username: doughtaker2222


Injoker shall once again join as wizard!

Super cool! good to see you back

  • Welcome to IBT#3 powerful wizard, Injoker your enrolment is confirmed

You have 3 life points:

Ghumoatch Burningsunder woke in a fever, the last remnants of his dreams fading as he heard the cackling laughter of the dark gods.

It had been many years since he had traveled south below the wastes and if not for what he had seen in his dreams he would have been content passing out his days alone.

An omen of war can not be denied, he thought. "I will play your game" he declared to the fading embers of his cabin fire.

He saddled his horse and began the journey south, cursing the Gods along the way.


Congrats! you have also been selected for a trophy token for your very cool enrolment. Please respond within 7 days with your bitshares account to receive.

Lady luck smiles upon me.

bitshares acc: sanctus-1

Haha sweet intro! ...he means business.

  • Welcome to IBT#3 mighty warrior, Ghumoatch Burningsunder enrolment is confirmed

You have 3 life points:

Lady P. would like to be considered for this tournament. While she has a pet wolf, it is her parasol that may prove to be her most lethal weapon. She will be considered a warrior, although she prefers more intellectual pursuits. And she expects fresh pots of tea, and scones, to be available at all times. She thanks you for your consideration in this matter.

(image source:


Welcome to you and your pet! there's still some time for tea and scones before we begin...

..Watch out players, I have a feeling Lady P can kick butt...if her wolf doesn't get you first :)

  • Welcome to IBT#3 mighty warrior, Lady P. enrolment is confirmed

You have 3 life points:

Congrats! you have also been selected for a trophy token for your demand-y tea request and keeping good posture!. Please respond within 7 days with your bitshares account to receive.

Lady P takes great pleasure in responding in the affirmative to your most generous request, and has tasked me with sorting it out. I had to create an a/c so I hope I have done so correctly.
name: raven-ruis
Thank you, m'lord.

A good cup of tea is a right, not a privilege.

My Lady, your item has been hand delivered with care and consideration :)

Lady P wishes me to convey her appreciation of your thoughtful gift, good Sir. She will indeed convey a most glowing report of your fine establishment when next she is taking tea with the other ladies of high society.

I want to play!


NinjaCat is the loyal bodyguard of @tubcat and brings all sorts of silent assassinate-y goodness to the blockchain. For this mission he'll be a thief that no one will see or hear...... until he's right up in their grill.

Haha nice - Glad you could make it! that kitty spin kick sure looks tricky

  • Welcome to IBT#3 swift thief, NinjaCat enrolment is confirmed

You have 3 life points:

One winged fallen angel demands entry. Born with one wing, in the fire of mount doom. One wing control the wind, eyes control sky, breaths fire, legs control earth, penis control water & hands control souls.

Nothing can stand any chance.. lo, prostate, or else..


Haha... oh man, bordering on soft porn!

  • Welcome to IBT#3 mighty warrior, One winged fallen angel enrolment is confirmed

You have 3 life points:

I would like to join and play as Slotherin Wizard of type Wizard:

image source

Excellent! our champ from IBT#2 is back and has a new hat!

  • Welcome to IBT#3 powerful wizard, Slotherin Wizard your enrolment is confirmed

You have 3 life points:



I would like to play as a Thief

haha that pose is gold! gonna bring in more lady players for sure..

  • Welcome to IBT#3 powerful Thief, Knight Rider enrolment is confirmed

You have 3 life points:

Hello! I'm in! Can I play a thief please?

Hey mate, glad to have you along..oops you need an image as well (here's one for ya)

  • Welcome to IBT#3 swift thief, mazzle enrolment is confirmed

You have 3 life points:

Iris is looking for her father who was developing the most Ultimate Stealth technique, however it was so good her father disappeared from existence.

Iris is now looking for a way to bring her father back....from wherever he is.

Haha oops you lost something... was just dad honing the skills :)

I wish you luck on your quest, perhaps the battles ahead in IBT#3 may provide the experience needed to locate the old man.

  • Welcome to IBT#3 swift thief, Iris enrolment is confirmed

You have 3 life points:

Bunny Fluff is a very clever thief.


He's as cute and adorable as can be
but will steal everything that he can see
He might look like a cute bundle of fluff
but this little bunny is really quite tough.

Oh gosh! hopefully no holy hand grenades used by the enemy

  • Welcome to IBT#3 swift thief, Bunny Fluff your enrolment is confirmed

You have 3 life points:

Entering as The Flash - The Speed Warrior :))


Cool Bro - You'll have them dead in a jiffy!

  • Welcome to IBT#3 mighty warrior, The Flash enrolment is confirmed

You have 3 life points:

Hey, I will give this a try! No idea what I'm doing, but I will enrol this character Goxie. A mysterious thief, the location of her biggest heist is still unknown!


Welcome, that's the spirit! nothing to lose from trying :)..

  • Welcome to IBT#3 swift thief, Goxie enrolment is confirmed

You have 3 life points:

Now I'm suspicious, nothing to lose... I suspect a trap!

By the way, I was going to go by the name Goxie.

Cool! updated for you..your spider senses maybe correct will be fun and not as hard to play as it seems. Cheers for joining in.

Wow i almost missed enrollment, was gonna go with someone else, but looks like optimus is primed for one more battle at least.
Enroll Optimus the mechanical WARRIOR.

Nice! its not a IBT without optimus! - No time for oil changes, can always transform into something new and more devastating if needed.

  • Welcome to IBT#3 mighty warrior, Optimus enrolment is confirmed

You have 3 life points:

Hello there, poopy the wizard is joining the game! A short description of my character: It stinks...

Haha! oh crap.. that's not something I would want to face on the battle field..

Welcome to IBT#3 powerful wizard, poopy enrolment is confirmed

You have 3 life points:

I have not seen many of them, so I will enrol as the wizard "Dumbledude" ^^

Yeah not many wizards forgot an image, so I will provide one for you!

  • Welcome to IBT#3 powerful wizard, Dumbledude enrolment is confirmed

You have 3 life points:

Oh, yes... my bad. Thank you :)

I enroll the power of Diceroll Manipulator, a sentient hat, that is also a Wizard.

Haha love it! graphics from my era as well..

  • Welcome to IBT#3 powerful wizard, sentient hat enrolment is confirmed

You have 3 life points:

I would like to play!!! As Wizard !!! (1).gif

Thanks some funky colours, is like hypno magic..

  • Welcome to IBT#3 powerful wizard, masterswatch? enrolment is confirmed

You have 3 life points:

After weeks of idle time, drowning is sorrows of the previous loss in endless pints, Green Warlord is itching for redemption. And in desperate need of refilling his now empty coin purse. Gathering the remainder of his pride he heads out to join the newest campain.

Green Warlord, warrior, is ready. I pledge my blade to your command.


Haha nice...he's back and even more green (must be all the pints)

  • Welcome to IBT#3 mighty warrior, Green Warlord enrolment is confirmed

You have 3 life points:

Congrats! you have also been selected for a trophy token for your return to IBT fun enrolment request and just being green!. Please respond within 7 days with your bitshares account to receive.

It is all about the Green lol.

BTS: lokii-1119

I would like to play! The arena enters the Lazy Samurai of class Thief.


Nice to meet you :)..

  • Welcome to IBT#3 swift thief, Lazy Samurai of class enrolment is confirmed

You have 3 life points: