Hey there :)
As you can see from my "About me" section, I like photography but maybe I even like more A GOOD AND WARM OAT CAPPUCCINO.
(ph. http://sprudge.com)
I'm italian so I think you all may be annoyed on how we're strict about food. And Cappuccino, for sure.
We don't like it "TO GO", we don't want it too hot. We don't need any cocoa powder on it. Please, leave it where we can see it and move away slowly.
Ok, now that the cocoa poder danger is gone, we can start.
My experience in Berlin is that you can find really nice places where a cappuccino is not a dark mistery, neither a fake-foam-drink :'D
We've found a really cosy place, they are german/portuguese and they cook a really tasty/mouth watering PASTEL DE NATA:
(PH. @ lostinberlin)
Have you ever tasted this heaven-sweet-pastry?
It's made with puffy pastry and many eggs (like an italian crema pasticcera or a vanilla custard)
A truly delicious custard tartlet.
Also, their oat cappuccino makes me want to drink cappuccino for the rest of my life instead of water.
Another pic of their cappuccino, so you can agree with me (a bit out of focus as my hands were shaking for its beauty.. ok,I'm joking):
Some flowers on the table:
And some musk in the wall :D
But now I want you!
Original content! What is your favourite place? Where? Please post pictures!
One entry per person.
No limit to the size of the post.
Can't wait for your posts! :)
You can also resteem (sure) and use tag #myfavouritecafe
I'll catch up with you in a few days when I have finished this! It's a blizzard out right now :D I'll make sure to use the tag. Your idea is awesome btw! Cafe's in Canada especially struggle to compete against entities like Tim Hortons who put little effort into their quality.
The cafe I visit actually charges me less money if I bring my own cup, how progressive : p
Can't wait for your submission then 😊 here in Berlin also, you can bring your reusable cup :) many bars sell their own. I'm curious about bars in Canada!