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in #contest7 years ago

Please don't be sorry for your "spiel", it was so thoughtful and kind of you to share it with us; by us, I mean that I had Brian read your response. He was 'amazed', partly because someone else understands exactly what he's going through, and partly because you prove that there is always hope. He said to tell you that he hasn't given up, although there are days he would like to. The similarities are striking in the way you and my husband tried to hide it and not tell your respective wives all the details as well!

I am so glad that you are here to tell your tale! I do believe in the power of positive thinking and the human will to live. Combined they're a powerful force.

I'm also thankful that you enjoyed my work; it came from the heart, and I believe anything authentic like that often comes across well.

Thanks again for running this contest...the prize is a wonderful one!



I was worried about delving into something I wasn't personally invited to, which I'm glad was received with open arms. I know it sucks to be in his position, but like I said, the fight goes on IF you allow it to. If he let's down his will to endure or his guard, he's giving ground to that horrendous abomination and giving it an opportunity to press forward. I, like him, had felt days where I just wanted to cease existence because it is overwhelming and even sometimes a victory still felt like a loss. It's a raw deal and nobody deserves to go through it, for a while I wondered "why me? why would God let this happen" tested my faith, it tested my will to move forward with anything in tested the very foundation of my sanity. It was one of the toughest things I had to do in life, and I'm fortunate to be here telling you both. I am beyond happy to have him tell me he has not given up. The last thing he should do is that, regardless of what may come in the future. If he has a strong will to push through this and does not let this consume him, you guys may be surprised what could come of it. I wish him and you nothing but the best of outcomes with this situation, and even if you guys are not overly religious, I will be praying for his recovery and his strength during this. I am also going to recommend him to several prayer chains and groups that will do the same. Just know, his support has now reached new levels. If he ever needs to vent or ask me anything, he is more than welcome to contact me via email here - [email protected]. It would be a privilege to help in any way I can, especially support.

The poem you wrote your husband was very touching to say the least. Not as many people are fortunate enough to have the support that he does with you, that is for sure. It not only was a great piece, but shed light on the type of workmanship you are giving the community. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to see this and engage in it. Keep up the great work, I'm looking forward to seeing more of your artistry in the future :)

I think you'll eventually see that I am near impossible to offend:) I try to focus on intentions, and it was very obvious that yours were good. And I appreciate that!

I can't even add to your feelings about all this because they mirror mine and Brian's perfectly. It really does make you question almost everything you thought you knew; and in the end it's a big rip-off, but complaining won't get us very far, so I try to stay positive and look for solutions instead. Thank you for your email; you may eventually hear from Brian. He is very thankful as well.

We are not overly religious, but we are believers, and regardless, appreciate all the thoughts and prayers you send our way.

I also want to thank you for your kudos to my writing/posts. I work hard at them and believe every single one is a first impression to someone; I would never post anything but my best. It's the teacher coming out in me...I taught high school English/History/ESL for years :) That's one of the reasons I love @newbieresteemday (Dave and I started about the same time and I joined with him as soon as he and mudcat came up with the idea). There are plenty of opportunities daily to help people here and it doesn't even have to be in the form of a post. There are many times I leave helpful advice to 'newbies' who I can tell need it.

People helping people; that is and always will be my thing :)

You both are very welcome, it's just what I do. I try my best to help people and be supportive. I'm glad that I was able to offer my support and words to you guys!

Thank you for being a great member of the community and having the willingness to help others. The Steemit platform will flourish because of people like you getting involved! Keep up the amazing work!