Hello, my friend!!! I have bad news: I looked at the correct answer and .... no!.... I was far from the truth. I've been digging Through your national history for days, and different battles, and different coastlines, but that's a name I've never even seen :(
but I have some good news: I'm playing with you further :).
Tuesday Tip: This Fort has seen battles of Portuguese against Spaniards and the Portuguese gave up.
Wednesday Tip: The battles were fought near southern Brazil.
Thrusday Tip: The Fort now belongs to Uruguay
ahahaha thanks for attending @madlenfox!
That's the question everyone is pondering about - Where is it? hãn hãn xDD
And don't hope, my friend, I will come here again until I guess at least One of your riddles, ha ha :)
Hooooooray @madlenfox, one historic tip on the comment section. Let's see if you can solve the riddle.
Estremoz ?!
О! It is the Fort of são julião da Barra, I'm guessing?
Я использовала мои две попытки, хе . Интересно - какая из них верная ... или нет?
Oh my dear god, I can't understand one single word HHAHAHAh glad google translator helped me.
None of the places is the location, but I like you so I'll let you try one more. Btw it's not necessarily in Europe.
No ! in that case, it will be unfair play. I will wait for the following task:). I can't wait to get the right answer, though.
Don't worry, I'll release another tip today at night.
This week is up and running.
Check it out
Mighty Steem Explorer Game! Discover the Location & Win the SBD
@madlenfox please please please get this week hahahaha I don't want to give guchtere the rewards anymore hahahhaha.Hello, my friend!!! I have bad news: I looked at the correct answer and .... no!.... I was far from the truth. I've been digging Through your national history for days, and different battles, and different coastlines, but that's a name I've never even seen :(
but I have some good news: I'm playing with you further :).
HAHAHA you did a full research on the portuguese history! I love it! You see, that's the idea of this contest, people always end up learning a bit.
Dropping Tip, waaaatch out!
Tuesday Tip: This Fort has seen battles of Portuguese against Spaniards and the Portuguese gave up.
Wednesday Tip: The battles were fought near southern Brazil.
Thrusday Tip: The Fort now belongs to Uruguay