CONTEST – “Write a PHOTO DESCRIPTION” – To celebrate my reaching the F-3000 club (Win 10 SBD, 100% upvotes)

in #contest7 years ago (edited)

Woohoo. I’ve surpassed “3,000 followers.”

To celebrate this achievement, I’m organizing another short writing contest. (Details below.)

                                             The Contest 

Write a heading and a story about the photo on the left.

You may write whatever you choose.

But first, read the RULES and GUIDELINES in the box below.         [Right-Click Here to Enlarge Photo]

Additional notes

My current upvote is worth about $1.20.  

The deadline for entries is noon on Sunday, 19 August (Thailand time)

Samples of My Writing (for your reference) 

You may want to check out some of my recent photo posts, to see what kind of posts I compose and what kind of writing I like.  They might inspire you or help you. Just understand … creative thievery is condoned, but uncreative copying is never appreciated or tolerated.   

      " This Must be the Place, Home"   (right-click on title)
      "Lady with Lunchbox and Shadows"   (right-click on title)
      "Islam and His Wife, in Their 1-Room Home"   (right-click on title)

Links to my Other Series …

   Introduction to – “Notes from Under the Tatami Mats”  (right-click on title)

      Introduction – "Intro to Vocab-ability"   (right-click on title)
      Guide – "Guide to Entries"   (right-click on title)
      Index– "Index" to all Chapters and Sections   (right-click on title)

      Lou Reed – "Anthology of Memorable Lyrics, Part 1"   (right-click on title)
      Lou Reed – "Anthology of Memorable Lyrics, Part 2"   (right-click on title)Images sourced from Google Images, unless otherwise indicated or unless my own..


My Entry In Writing Contest

I Heard It Was A Bad Idea…

But never one to pass a chance at a bad idea, I ended up in Mexico with these two. Louie would’ve graduated with me if he had made it out of ninth grade. The son of a wealthy architect, he rebelled and made his fortune opening head shops along the beach and striking rich in pot stocks and cryptocurrency. Now he’s in Bermuda shorts and sandals year round and we probably don’t want to know what’s in that satchel. Teddy, I call “Pony Boy”. He’s from the wrong side of the tracks and actually wears it trendy. Teddy made it to eleventh grade and made some bucks riding the rodeo. There’s nothing impressive about him, but for no reasons at all, he always impressed me. We all ran into each other last Saturday night at Tap Beer Tavern, after not seeing each other for the last four years. We started playing Quarters and somehow ended up on a road trip. I’m married now, have a new tattoo, own a pot stock and a tree house. Me, I was an accountant, graduated top of class. But now I think I’ll stay here.

Congratulations. (See my comment above.)

Thank you! It was fun :)

My Entry in Writing Contest

Happy the way we are

We've been friends for so long, and since our high school days, we didn't change a bit. Some people might call us losers for basically living the same kind of life we had 15-20 years ago but we are happy. I still ride my motorcycle every day around my town and my best friend still enjoys riding his bike. Our home town is nothing special but all the houses and building got their own "personality" and that makes this small dirty place special. Yeah, going to live in a big city could be fun and exciting but we really love our simple life here and we would never give this up. Most people in those big cities are always busy but look at us, we are so relaxed and glad that we can have few drinks and enjoy this afternoon doing whatever we feel like doing. Peace, happiness, health that's all we care about.

Congratulations. (See my comment above.)

When I read congratulations I thought I won the contest, lol 😢😢😢 anyway thank you for the upvote, hopefully I'll win next time. Thank you. 😊

My Entry in Writing Contest

The Staged Scene Near House Seventeen

Awash with blood, the sleeveless t-shirt was discovered not far from here. It now resembled the ruby coloured shirt his friend wore, albeit in much worse shape. We still have not found either of these men, and we can only gather that they were friends, travelling together and enjoying their day.
This picture… this is all that remains. Detective Ramos and I found the digital camera next to the sleeveless shirt, and only a single picture was taken. We know this area of town well. It’s not a haven for crime, but then again, this was anything but an ordinary attack. Something here is amiss and the locals are shaken, not speaking a word.
Where are the bodies? Why would the culprit leave everything else behind, plant the t-shirt and leave the camera to be found? What we do know is that the house behind these men has no occupants, but someone was there. Inside, the walls are splattered red and a foul stench singes the nostrils. These friends seemingly met here of their own volition… yet, this picture was taken by an unknown party and it's the strongest lead we have. This is someone’s idea of a sick game, and we fear this is just the beginning.

Congratulations. (See my comment above.)

Hey @majes.tytyty,

Thank-you so much for selecting my story as a runner up in your contest.
I really enjoyed this contest as it gave me complete freedom over my response :D

It's greatly appreciated.Also, thanks to @gandhibaba for the SBD reward as well!

Congrats to all the other winners!


My Entry in Writing Contest

The Reunion

10 years ago they met at the quaint café each having coffee and a cinnamon roll. They became good friends and kept in touch thru emails because they lived in opposite directions. They were young and single then, in their 20’s and both used a bicycle getting there.

They both had families and a regular job now. Deciding to take a break from all the stress of work and family, they had a reunion. They had agreed to meet on the same day and place after 10 years. At the same café and have the same coffee and cinnamon rolls.

One came in on the same bike and the other on a motorcycle. Both older and wiser, still young looking and fit. But one was more lean and muscled by riding his bike to work every day, the other a motorcycle. They posed in front of the café for a picture. Now who do you think owns the bike and the motorcycle?

They enjoyed the time they had together that they planned another reunion in 5 years, this time with their families. Hoping the café will still be there. Maybe this time they will both have cars.

Congratulations. (See my comment above.)

thank you so much! And thank you @ ghandhibaba for the sbd

My Entry in Writing Contest

The Last Card Game

I often look back at this picture of Jimmy and me. He came to visit me from Colorado in Wyoming, where I lived at the time. A troubled kid like most of the kids he lived around.

I asked him where he had gotten the bike. He said, "A card game."

A compulsive gambler he was. He would have bet your car if he could get ahold of the title. It was his addiction that killed him in the end. After betting more than he had in his pocket, he managed to slither his way out the door with another man's motorcycle keys in hand. A fast talker and trickster he was.

I found this out when a man approached me a day after Jimmy left asking if I'd seen a guy on a black motorcycle pass through. His GPS tracking device led him to this location, our mountain town.

I didn't let the man know about this picture, nor let on that I knew Jimmy. However, I read the paper a week later about the tragic way in which Jimmy's body was found.

I couldn't help the kid. He had to do things his own way.

This is indeed of a superb quality. Congrats on winning the grand prize.

thanks. I think it took an hour and a half to write 200 words. lol

My Entry in Writing Contest

When You Have To Pose With the Devil to Get What You Want

The photograph you now see was taken about a decade ago, a few days following my arrival in Thailand.

Seven Days, Seven Troubles

As my custom was anywhere I lived, I hired one chubby-looking fellow named Madi to assist with domestic chores.

However, it chanced that Madi was mad, for he fetched me more troubles than cups of water all the seven days he worked for me.

Motorbike in the Devil's Web

At the peak of Madi's mischief, he sneaked away with my scooter and went on to knock down a small boy in the suburb of Chiang Mai.

Consequently, my scooter was confiscated by the head of a notorious gang whose name was the Devil. And since I was not ready to forfeit my scooter, I showed up in the home of the Devil himself where the stench of marijuana and other hard drugs welcomed me.

When I had paid some hefty fine and secured the released of my scooter, which you now see resting on the haggard wall, the Devil and I posed for the camera. Do not ask me what became of Madi, for I immediately fired him.

Congratulations. (See my comment above.)

My entry to writing contest

It's been a long time since Bruno (the guy on jeans pant) saw his elder brother Majes( the guy on short pant). Bruno has been very busy with work in the city and he hardly have time for himself. So this particular friday, he made up his mind to visit Majes so as to free his mind from the busy city life and enjoy some calmness in a serene environment.

Majes lives in a small town not far from the city. He so much loves the town because of the natural feel and serenity of the place. Bruno arrived at Majes's place and was very excited to see his elder brother. He's never felt this at home in a long while. The environment was very calm and peaceful and the cool fresh air that was caressing his face made him take off his clothe leaving just the inner wear so he could feel the air more.

Majes was about to show him around the community in the cool evening when he requested that they take a snap shot that he intends to share in his social media pages. "It's so good to feel at home again!" Bruno exclaimed.

Congratulations. (See my comment above.)

My Entry in Writing Contest.

Two generations. Two worldviews. Two transport.

In the photo we see two men. One young, carefree. He wants to conquer the whole world. He does not yet know the bitterness of defeat and the saturation of victories. He hurries to live, hurry to catch a bird of happiness. He is confident that a fast motorcycle will help him achieve his goals. He just needs, like air, to go faster than the wind, to go faster than his own thoughts.
The second person is older. He had already caught his bird. He has already gone the way a young man must pass. He reached his peak, and now he does not need a motorcycle. He needs a bicycle to visit the hills at the top and not soon to descend from the top to its sunset. He is already wiser and does not hurry anywhere.
Both are happy. One is from anticipation, the other from what has been achieved.

Congratulations. (See my comment above.)

Thank you. Very good photo

My Entry in Writing Contest.

The First Time He Breathe Air.

No, he didn’t go anywhere. Heck, where can he go? With his past always shadowing him. But one day, he went with his gut and rode on his motorcycle, the first time he will be seeing a light. He came across a village and see smiling faces everywhere. He was greeted, he felt warm inside for the first time. All the strolling made him tired so he parked his motorbike near a man of 50’s.

“You lost son?” The man asked him.

“I don’t know, maybe.”

The man in red polo smiled at him. “Well, judging by your face it looks like this is the first time you breathe in years. I hope this will continue for you.”

A look of confusion etched on his face but didn’t respond and simply smiled to the old man.

He was about to go but suddenly the old man spoke, “How about we take a picture of this moment eh?”

Without a word, the old man took out his camera and asked a passerby to take a picture of them.

The old man looked at the young boy again and said, “Capture this moment… your first breath of life son.”

Congratulations. (See my comment above.)

My Entry in Writing Contest.

Gift of the elder brother

My dear Andrew!
I hope you now understand how I love you.
Yes, in childhood we fought and quarreled so often.
But I defended you, my younger brother!
And after all we became the best friends.
Do you understand how dear you are to me?
I believe you like my gift. It was not easy for me to save money and buy this motorcycle for you!
And now I'm so pleased to look at your joy! You stand near my gift so happy, smiling and shining with youth.
Yes, you're so young, you need to hurry.
And my old bicycle is enough for me, I'm not as fast as I used to be, and I don't want to hurry anywhere.
So enjoy my gift and remember my affection for you!

My Entry in Writing Contest

Kindred Spirits On A Spiritual Sabbatical

Two strangers, both alike in purpose,
In rural Thailand, where their sacred paths crossed,
From urban comforts to spartan living
Where tranquility and Buddhist simplicity clear the mind.
From strangers to soulmates on a spiritual quest
A pair of discontented hearts seek respite from a frenzied life in search of the Buddha's way;
Whose Noble Eightfold Path is a panacea for the restless mind
Along with the frugality of monastery life which banishes the heart's banal desires.
Their unshakeable determination to embrace Buddhist practices,
Evident by their long and arduous journey,
Greatly moved the Luang Phor, who personally imparted the Buddha's teachings to them.

My Entry in Writing Contest.

Apple doesn't fall far from the apple tree

In my country, Ukraine has a wonderful proverb "Apple does not fall far from the apple tree". This proverb implies that all children are like their parents. Perhaps, in some moments, children manage to achieve something more than their parents, but you can not deceive genetics. In most cases, children are an improved copy of the parents. In the photo you see this remarkable similarity of children and their parents. Steven likes bicycles very much. His love was passed on to his son David, who, like his father, loves motorcycles.

My Entry in Writing Contest.

Sometimes a little help can go a long way

When you travel on a motorbike you never know what the next stop will bring. In my case, it brought a friend for life. This funny fellow cycled around his country on a bike that looked like it would break any moment, I saw he needed help with his chain so I came to help him. He had a curious soul and came to me asking all kind of questions regarding my own travel, sometimes his English was a bit funny, but I didn't mind. It made me reflect on how far a little help can go. By now we are friends and despite our far distance we try to meet on all kind of occasions, hell, I even invited him to my marriage.

The world is full of friends you havent met yet.

My Entry in Writing Contest.

This is a wonderful feeling of possession.

Recently, I began, more and more often, to observe the difference between people who were lucky enough to be owners of something, and people who do not have anything. What is the difference? Everything is very simple. When a person has something, he, on a subconscious level, has pride, joy and self-confidence. Of course, these feelings are commensurate with the amount of possession, but, as you can see in the photo, even owning such modest things as a motorcycle and a bicycle can make a person very happy.
Each person creates his own destiny. Perhaps now you do not have enough of the first "bicycle." But, everything is in your hands, it's never too late to start something.
The main - desire.

My entry in writting contest.

That's NOT what I meant when I said bike ride Tom.

We planned this last night and Tom was really excited! I never knew he was a bike nut but then again whe've only been friends for a couple of days. So to see him ride in the morning with his bicycle was, to say the least, a surprize! All ended well and the morning ride was to the coffee shop for a nice cup!



It was not until this morning, having examined the picture above, that I got to know that class consciousness thrives healthily in some nativities andl climes.

The picture above is clear pointer to this fact. As you can see from the above that the two young men therein are proud men who believe that class differences means nothing to them. They are friends who belong to two economically different classes but see the need to continue their friendship. Each of them is standing in front of his possession with pomp.

In other climes such as where I come from, a youth will never stay in front of a bicycle and take a picture. They will prefer to take pictures using extravagant possessions even if it means borrowing it.

Another story the picture tells is the serene cum healthy environment that they live in. There are no dirty things around them.
Cultural interplay vis-a-vis the architectural setting is depicted. It shows their unique housing style.

I am impressed. Happiness, health, lack envy and good home is what defines man's prosperity. My perspective is in the strong affirmative. These guys have got all.

Looks good, and reads well, but this is over 300 words. Please revise and shorten it to around 200. Thanks.

My Entry in Writing Contest
When Your Neighbor Turns Out to be a Demon
The picture shows Jim and Gerald. Jim was a jovial policeman. He was once tall and handsome but later he acquired a slightly protruding belly. He lived in countryside with his wife. His brother, Gerald lived in the adjacent house. Gerald was a careless person and a drug addict burdened by heavy loans. Jim helped Gerald several times but he had other responsibilities too. One day Gerald couldn't get any intoxication which bubbled up his anger and frustration. He went to his brother for money but Jim was not there. He asked Akira, Jim's wife, for money. Akira denied but Gerald wanted money so bad that he started threatening her. Akira tried to reason with him but Gerald was boiling up in anger. He punched Akira and she fell back. Gerald threatened Akira again but she didn't move and started hitting her with his foot. Just then, Jim entered and was horrified to see the spectacle before him. Jim took out his gun and shot his brother. Gerald fell on the floor with a loud thud. Jim rushed to his wife but it was too late. She was dead and the baby inside her was kicking 'on the blank walls'.

Looks good, and reads well, but this is over 250 words. Please revise and shorten it to around 200. Thanks.

Done. Now the text contains exactly 200 words :)

Thanks! I don't wanna hafta go thru a few dozen lengthy tomes ...

All the best to you ;)

"My Entry in Writing Contest."

“Hey, Buddy!” – Meeting a Fellow Countryman in a Land I do not Call My Own

Meeting a fellow countryman in a land I do not call my own is a breath of fresh air to me; in my longing and homesickness, a quick time for therapy. Don’t get me wrong; I love this place. I love the culture, the people, and everything that’s in here that gives me a different but beautiful kind of experience every day. But, living here was never a choice. The thought of being an expat never crossed my mind either. This place, regardless of its beauty and grace, is not what I call home.

But, as duty calls, I must answer. I must accept that this place needs me more than my homeland does. Well, I guess the decision to be here was not so bad after all; I have helped many children in my school learn the English language. As a teacher, that means a lot to me – enough to keep me going.

Still, you can’t erase the fact that I miss home. But meeting and hanging out with a fellowman with the same homeland as mine is enough for me to experience the home I’m longing for. Good thing this is one of those days it happens.

My Entry in Writing Contest


The peculiar yet interesting picture caught my attention. There were two men with equal height but differing personal styles standing side by side to one another in front of a bright yellow colored building with thin and light blue colored pillars. The older laid-back man on the left wore sunhat, black sunglasses, red short sleeve shirt, black Bermuda trousers with matching black exposed toe sandals. He had a protruding belly, a beard and was leaning slightly closed to his bicycle with one arm tucked at his waist. His water bottle was on the ground.

On the other hand, the younger man channeling punk rock vibe on the right wore a white sleeveless singlet, long blue jeans and black sneakers. He had strong muscular arms. Holding on to a water bottle in one hand, he stood with his back facing his motorcycle.

Both men carried similar black cross body satchels. The way the two men met was a mystery. They must have experienced wonderful adventures before the picture was taken. I wondered who was the first to arrive at the building, the man riding a bicycle or the man riding a motorcycle?

My Entry in Writing Contest.

Ability to find pleasure even in the most unpleasant situations

All events that occur in a person's life can be divided into 2 opposite categories. The first category is events, which we have no opportunity to influence. The second category is events that we can partially and completely control. A person becomes happy when he can cope with the first category of events. But how? If we cannot influence events, how can we cope with them? It's very simple - just change your attitude to events. In the photo is such an example. Two passers-by enjoy life while waiting for the store to open, which already should have been open.



It's so nice to be home again and feel the warmth and love of everyone. The environment is so calm and friendly and you don't struggle to be yourself. How wonderful can a weekend be than spending it in the company of those you love and truly care about? This is my country home. From the look you can see that it's not that classy but it sure has a nice enviroment. I do come here every weekend to spend some time with my family members and have a feel of nature. The air is very clean and cool and the environment is very peaceful. You see the beauty and feel the warmth of nature by just being here. There's actually no place like home in a countryside

My Entry In Writing Contest

Friendship against and above class division

To really understand it, let's look at their respective background.The man standing in front of the bike is economically upper classed. The way he stands holding a mobile on his one hand and Coca-cola on other hand with his jeans and shoes dominates the frame. So he is standing upright. The other one reflects inferiority in the frame as he tilts right towards the cycle. Here, he wears sunglasses just to cut off the reflection of inferiority. The water bottle placed down nearby his leg also reflects that he is economically low classed. But despite all variations, they stood together in a frame reflecting a gesture of friendship. "A man doesn't choose friend, they are bonded by nature: to whatever class they exist in". After all, at the end of the day, Friends are basic need and the bond of friendship to add joy to our life.

My Entry in Writing Contest

Long Lost Twin Brothers Find They Have Nothing in Common

Kikinda, Serbia: When Pierre Bonfils ended his lifelong journey to reunite with his twin brother he never thought of the paradox he might encounter.

As an orphan of the Croatian War, Bonfils displacement sent him to a French adoption center where he found a home with a wealthy family.

Igor Kovacevic stayed behind in his homeland to operate as a child soldier. His adult life chiseled from the horrors of ethnic cleansing that tore Yugoslavia apart.

“I spent a lot of time and effort to find Igor. Not to mention money on bribes after entering my home country. What I found, has stunned me, this person would be me if the refinements of my upbringing were removed.” Said Bonfils through an interpreter.

“Conceited bastard ain’t he. I said rent a bike and he gets a fucking bicycle.” Said Kovacevic through an interpreter.

Mi entrada al concurso de escritura
Visit to my grandparents' house

They are two brothers who decided to visit their grandparents who lived in Thailand in an old colonial house with an immense patio and very large trees whose facade was painted yellow. Carlos who always liked to ride a bicycle and doing sports, called his brother Juan to spend the weekend with his grandparents. Juan told him yes and he went on the motorcycle to arrive earlier and welcome his brother, arriving at his grandparents' house the two brothers met with the surprise that their grandparents had left and were happy to have gone to Thailand to visit their grandparents, and they remembered when they were children and the moments they spent with their grandparents in that sweet home, while they waited they took a photo for the memory

My Entry in Writing Contest.

I love my life and my friend. Two different roads and personalities, but leading the same life. Just feeling right on top of the town - on top of the world really. Our paths are parallel but converge at the same spot - on top. We look cool but unique. We ride cool "machinery" though each unique. We like our cloths; one covered up, the other showy. Look straight at my eye or through the glasses. I'ii take off my hat for you or you (wont) see my hair. Check out my great legs and sandals or you admire my shoes and nice jean. Its hot outside or I wont take my water bottle - coke is better. Its time to go. Move over! They know we are here. We run the town - ask around!

Once again, congratulations on achieving this feat. I am happy to have won the last contest and to be here again to see you @F3k+. I will be sponsoring this contest with extra 4 STEEM. 1 STEEM each to the other four contestants who get 100% upvote. Good luck to the contestants.

OH wow!
I was Out of the scene from some days, but not gonna miss this chance.

Sir With all due respect, You should add click to zoom in Capability to photo sir. It is not clear.

What do you mean by "in Capability to photo"?
That phrase is unclear.

It's Zoom in Capability, I mean when someone clicks on it, It opens in the wider window, so that we could see and understand it better.

Just click on where you see ... [Right-Click Here to Enlarge Photo]

Do NOT click on the photo. Click on the live link. I had tried to include "Click to Zoom," but could not discover how to do that.

Hope you can see the enlarged photo by clicking above link.

OH sorry, I did not see that at all! I just clicked on the picture.
Yes, I can see the Enlarged photo, Thanks!

OK, good luck. When you post your entry, please do it in a separate comment. Thanks.

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I was summoned by @majes.tytyty. I have done their bidding and now I will vanish...

A portion of the proceeds from your bid was used in support of youarehope and tarc.

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Victim of grumpycat?

Do we make our own post or should our entry be in form of a comment under the post?

As Rule #4 says, post in "COMMENT SECTION."

You have recieved a free upvote from minnowpond, Send 0.1 -> 10 SBD with your post url as the memo to recieve an upvote from up to 100 accounts!

This looks interesting. I shall have to think on an entry.

Hola buenas tardes me gusta lo del concurso es muy interesante te felicito por esta actividad es motivadora tanto así que voy a participar

Se ve interesante.