Upvote Begging Contest: The most creative and entertaining act of begging will be rewarded with a 100% upvote.

in #contest6 years ago (edited)

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In early 2018, there was a surge of clueless newbies. As a result, spam comments begging for upvotes among other things became commonplace. I remember getting those comments myself in the comment section of nearly every post I made. If there is one good thing about the price of STEEM having crashed, it has got to be the huge drop in the number of spam comments one type of which is begging for upvotes.

Begging for upvotes can be a nuisance and will often attract flags. Not even getting flagged to oblivion will deter the most pig-headed practitioners. It appears beggars for upvotes will always be among us and rather than trying to stem the flow, the smartest thing to do might be to make the best of it. The prettiest of roses can grow out of a pile of dung. Without further ado, I declare the contest open!

The rules:

  1. The time to submit your entry will end on July 31 at 23.59 EET (= GMT+3).
  2. Be original.
  3. Be entertaining.
  4. Use text only. Gif animations in the comments have a special place in hell.


If you make an entry, could you please clearly mark it as an entry? I'd hate to have to guess whether your comment is an entry into this contest or the genuine article! :D Also, clearly marking your comment as an entry or a part of your comment as your entry, might make it psychologically easier to beg creatively as you would not being doing it as yourself.


Give me some fake digital money. I am in need of my heroin dosage and my crackwhore friends won't let me put my ass on the streets, as I have a sever case of syphilis.

Plus, my PIMP told me that I if don't enter this competition, he will beat me to death. Yes, I am a man.

Resteemed and ready with the 🍿

LOL i’m Ready! Let the comments begin!


I know the above is not an entry. But would you mind checking out rule number 4 ...

Seeing a gif as the second comment made me roar ....

Dear Sir or Madam, I am a wildlife documentary film maker, the plight of deep sea fauna is not well represented in the Natural History film-making industry as they prefer fluffy cute things that make the audience go: Awww!
To rectify this horrendous lack of representation I need to mount an expedition to the sea-floor, and it needs to get done quickly before David Attenborough gets too ancient to do the voice-over.
The first bit of essential kit we need is a submarine, we can get a cheap ex-military one for around $7 Billion, but we are a fair amount short of that total; Not to mention we will need to keep Sir David A on tea and biscuits for the duration of the voyage.
Your upvote can make all the difference, please do this for the little ugly critters at the bottom of the sea, that no-one loves, except me.

Entry ends. Seriously not looking to win anything, just entering for a bit if a laugh :)

Entry from a loser

Please won't you help me, I'm your friend no?

We help each other, can you first go?

You give me upvote, it's only fair

I will then help you, then I will share

I have an idea, you give me some steem

Bot give me upvote, we're on the same team

If we are friends, you always must do

Upvote, follow, and resteem me too

Hello Sir Markku. I hope you are having a wonderful day. You are so smart and funny. Your GO skills are out of this world.Sorry can't do it as you may start believing this shit lol. You will give me a vote anyway and just helped me do a much longer reply than normal ,so I can try and do better than you in the curation rewards next week.

In early 2018, there was a surge of clueless newbies.

Ay that was me

My entrance, I'll tell you in a verse.
Give me a vote please I ask for it
I really need it even if it's a little bit
A way to request a vote for me
is asking please do I need it for my
Only one vote I ask nothing more for me
although it sounds egosita a vote for me
so I do not ask you more than your vote for me
and that is 100% just for me.

Well it's 11:32 p.m. in the night in Venezuela, a lot of work in college that just made me think about what to write to ask for me.
Greetings friend Markku I hope your vote and visit my blog

Sir, I upvote follow you and share your post. I dont ask follow upvote me like my brothers and sisters. It's no good. I simple ask you send me SBI or small steem my mother she very sick.

Give me the upvote or i will start WW3 ( i'm serious. i'm german.)

You're a little late to the party, 13 hours and 25 minutes to be exact. Anyway, that's not begging but extortion. :D

Ok. So, you'll start WW3. We haven't seen an Anscluss yet. Deal with Austria first, then get back to me. :D

My entry:

Congratulations! You just won Nigeria's millionaire sweepstakes. In order for you to receive your winnings please give 100% upvote to this comment and reply back with two forms of identications. Thank you and can not wait to hear from you. Again congratulations.

Upvote me or I will summon @nonameslefttouse and his famous 'Shit Post of the Day' award.

No... wait... it's seems he's fresh out of this award today, covered in shit we must be right now.

Fk it then, have a bounty instead, i'll bribe my god damn way to the top! Ahh nuts, just spent 5 x your max vote.... I'll never be a whale, but your vote will help!

haha I do not see myself doing that! ... but it looks entertaining. I remember seeing you answer someone (spam beggar), you answered: DOMO ARIGATO. It was great. My wife always reminds me and jokes with me saying it every day even now.
I will be waiting to laugh a while.

To be honest, I don't recall saying that in answer to a spam beggar here. I do know that means "thank you very much".

I just asked my wife and she confirmed this but I just checked and she was wrong. The comment was made by our friend @andkill here in link
You're right!!!... Uppps!

my entry:
Steem price will become high again in future. So time to go before that a spiritual journey to Himalaja. There you can get spiritual power to stand against poor beggars.

3 steps:

  • Vote my comment
  • book flight tickets to Himalaja .
  • Become back with spiritual strengths to withstand beggars.


Time to wear these shoes and start begging . Please uppvote and follow me,

or this cat will become very upset kuva22.jpg

My entry:
The girl I like promised to go out with me if I will successfully beg for 100000 upvotes. It took me twenty years and finally I am very close to reaching this goal of mine. I just need a few more upvotes and my life mission will be completed. Bro plz don't be a cockblocker and give me that upvote...

I'd be tempted to flag a pitch like that. Why? Because it would probably be in the best interests of the guy. The entire frame of the interaction between the girl and the guy is cringeworthy.

At first I also wanted to add something about prohibition to get closer or testament that leaves all property to those who supported his goal. But then I decided that this is already cringeworthy enough

Yeah, the art of begging is straddling a fine line between sounding pathetic enough and over the top pathetic. :D

Hello friend, Pls upvote me, I upvote you too. Nice post.


Eres un buen hombre para hacer este concurso. La verdad que estoy muy de acuerdo contigo amigo @markkujantunen yo no pido porque en realidad no me gusta, pero lo que sea enviado yo lo acepto con mucho gusto

This is very hard for me, hahaha, I'm not used to do that:

Hi Great post, well written, you are doing great. I upvoted you (with my worthless vote), please come to my blog and support me. nowbody votes on my posts and I need help!!!

Usually starts with bad English, phony pleasantries and ends with shameless begging. Like this:

Please I upvote and resteem you friend. Please upvote me too

boss please upvote my post boss.
I upvote have people until my power runs out but without reply.

I literally just came across that one a minute ago

Begging should be discouraged on steemit.
I don’t like when people ask to upvote or follow.
Eve looking for fun after the rally😀

I will be reading through the comments to see those that will be very creative.

@abh12345 has set 2.500 SBD bounty on this post! logo_for-light-bg_1000.png
What is a bounty exactly?

A bounty is money sent to a post to be distributed to the users commenting on it. It provides a way to reward users directly and works in addition to the steem/sbd they receive from the blockchain. It works independently of SteemPower.

You create a bounty by sending any amount of sbd/steem to @steem-bounty together with a post-url in the memo.

How can I earn a bounty Users are then competing for the bounty by writing their answers to the post in comments that will achieve upvotes from the community and especially the bounty creator. The money of the bounty gets distributed to all top level comments of the post at the same time when the post is paid out (7 Days after it was written). How much everyone gets depends on the votes the comments received. The sender of the bounties votes are weighted higher so that she decideds where 80% of the bounty money goes and all other votes determine the rest.

@steem-bounty does all of this for you automatically. You can use this service to automatically pay out a challenge, ask a hard question or simply to reward the people that interact with you.

Read more about how it works, even in different languages here.


You good man for do this contest. I thank the God for man like you teach me much and share you steem for free. This place better for more people give time to teach steem. I upvote you, now you upvote me? I write much post maybe you like others and steem them also.

Always keep it simple !
I love this quote, everbody loves it ... so practice it aaaaaaaaaand
simply upvote and follow me :)
may god help you to upvote and follow me sir !!

very good writing dear, can you follow me and I you will follow?

How difficult it is to ask for something without appearing to be asking, or begging.
When I see people asking you to give them a vote just like that without earning it, without a good writing even if it is a funny and funny writing something that leaves something in your heart. I do not see sense in that. These days I'm competing in comedy and I know I'm not comica I'm bad at throwing a joke I forget half the joke and I start again.

So I'm not wrong or I'll start again and forget the characters and tell me to imitate voices I'm fatal, do not leave me, I gocho and I get Andean, margariteño and I get oriental, there is a god if it is the same. Well, I do not take your time any more. Since I'm not very good at writing English, I use a Google translator that I hope will not screw up and translate it well, but I will not pay for the translation.


Estuvo muy bien, JAJAJA lo que más me gusto fue I gocho

No es fácil hacer algo de risa en tu no idioma ja ja ja

Life's a bowl. (and that's an entry).

Please give me money so I can buy penis enlargement creams!!

My favorites are the ones that appear on every post and are clearly a cut, paste and edit job. Here is my entry:
“I really like your post my friend, you have great ideas @yourhandlehere. Check my post (link here) and upvote and follow because I upvoted and followed you. Thank my friend @yourhandlehere!”
The link they attach inevitably has nothing to do with the post they commented on!

You just discovered a new way of helping those who beg for upvotes and thats nice.

I think its better to help them by lending some votes than having them drop the value of steem due to thier unrelentless spam comments.

Por favor, voto por voto.
Sigueme y te sigo.