
pocketsend:101@maverickinvictus, to welcome you to the 2000+ pocket token holders of Steemit

And... Smart Media Pockets are coming...look for news on that soon!

Successful Send of 101
Sending Account: grow-pro
Receiving Account: maverickinvictus
New sending account balance: 370178
New receiving account balance: 100
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: c70f6e569806fca3d8865aadf95a372c6bc5657f
Thanks for using POCKET! I am running this confirmer code.

That's kinda rude. Auto-vote your bot's comment, and can't even spare a 1% vote for the person who enacted your bot to comment on the first place...

Stuff like this is the reason people are getting fed up with automated robots running around picking at the reward pool like vultures...

Right?! No common courtesy with these young robots these days. The sad​ part is that I have only helped all these "people" running these confirmer bots. I paid a fee for that. go figure

You can type your pocket send commands and immediately delete the comment to avoid paying them fees..just FYI in case you get tired of seeing that on your posts