Hello there friend,
It is Monday so we all know "How your week starts, same will be all".
I know this last HF19 made us happy... for a few days, buuuut let's make our day more beautiful.
Why not share some FREE SBD for my lovely guys here on Steemit.
I want to know how are you all doin', where are you from, what are your plans on Steemit? Let's motivate our self for why we are here. We have to keep our smile every time.

Comment on this post and receive 0.01 SBD in your account for EACH COMMENT
Maximum 10 comments / person.
Have fun.
Resteem is optional but you bring more Steemians here :D
All payments are made hourly, except when i am sleeping :))

Don't forget guys, sharing is caring.
If anyone wants to participate with any donations will be welcome.
Let's see how strong we can be.
P.S : I want to celebrate almost 200 followers. Love you guys !
you aren't even asking for follows or upvotes
I feel so good about this post, that instead of Resteem i've decided to throw in one Whale to scoop around and upvote you :)
Good luck with post :)
Thank you guys for participating. I hope you enjoyed being here and all you SBD rewards. See you soon with new giveaways. Few payments are in pending now but will be paid today.
See ya'
Awesome, I love free money.
I love free money too. But they got wasted fast....
So i love to share my easy money and let you waste them :D
Cheers. You are now 1/10. Go for all SBD
You are a man of your words. Upvoted!
Thank you @financialcritic . A man's word stands for his dignity.
Well, I think I spread some comments among the various threads..I may have close to 10. Maybe when people start replying in the morning I'll finish up my 10. Thanks, @mikimike!
@mikimike - This is like a perfect washing machine yeah ? :) The more i use it, the more i see real benefits behind. Ahahahhahahha :D
Cheers :)
Resteemed. Voted and commenting as I type this
Do I reply on my own comment or back on the main thread?
You know what? I'm going to comment on my comment so it's easier for me to track.
Also I want to say that it's a good idea and glad you're doing this, I'm kind of looking for ways to make money right and this helps out.
That said though, if I comment on other people's comments are you still able to track that I've commented and how often I've commented?
Five posts done, five more to go. Unless you want actual comments that are strong contributions to discussions or not; which means I've approached this wrong but I don't mind starting over.
Hahaha you and the rest of the population from this planet!
free money is the best money
Yeaa! I would definitely say that too!
I love opportunities to make money. I'll take money any time, but feeling like I really earned a chunk of cash is the best.
Redeem your free SBD. It's Monday, sharing and caring day! You guys also have pending comments to make.
Thank you, that's very kind of you. What an interesting way to make new contacts as well.
Upvoted and resteemed!
Thank you buddy . I am glad that you find my initiative a good one.
Hope i will see you around .
I have a feeling you'll be digging through tons of notifications today...not sure why, just a feeling ;) Great idea here!
Will be a day when i have to say "Please, make order in the court!"
Have to admit it is a great idea! Great way to have some fun as well!
jiggsaw is scary
free cash
I just upvote, resteemed and followed you though I may not be lucky enough to get the reward but I really like your initiative and am happy knowing am lucky to have met you @mikimike.....
Keep on doing the good job
You aren't even asking for follows nor resteem not even upvotes........
Thumbs up mate.
wow i just confirmed the SBD
maybe i should just keep-up with commenting so i earn a few more.......
problem is........What do I post??
am i allowed to continue this way??
Or maybe someone should start up a chat with me
i think it will be a nice way to meet a new friend on this platform
who is up for chat???
I am a nomad, currently in Bangkok. I'm from everywhere else I have been.
Here are my plans for the next few days and I would really like to have your opinion. I am on Day 9 on Steemit right now and very impressed and happy. Thank you for doing this - I am most definitely ReSteeming to help my #tsufamily and other newcomers.
My goal is to promote my brand – fitinfun- and help people lose weight and become healthy like I did 6 years ago. I have been pushing my natural health ideas ever since. I'm on multiple platforms, but nothing like this wild ride. I have a big learning curve here so half my time is on learning and half on content now.
Here is what I am doing to work it on Steemit. Any advice gratefully accepted.
My daily actions:
5.Comment, comment, comment. Engage and don’t upvote too much [I’m at 70 Power now after getting down to 40 by mistake in the first days. This should be a big warning to all upon sign up but it is not.]
Wow, thank you for your comment. It made my day more interesting, now in the end. You shared with me everything you have in plan to do! I can admit you are lovely. Keep on Steeming. See you around. I follow you now. i'm going to bed, It has been a long day.
You have made my day with your payment and kind comment! Thank you so much for your support and this very lovely idea. What a great place Steemit is turning out to be.
Hmm, well I had the day off for Canada day. I spent it trading EOS and hanging out on here. Kind of stressful trading on a day off, but my current contract ends in 2 weeks and I don't have anything lined up after that. Been having some rough anxiety lately too, though on the plus side it's been steadily getting better over this past week. Still hard to be around people for more than an hour though. All in all, I'm doing ok, but hoping to figure out something fast to pay the bills and just generally improve my situation a bit. Steemit probably won't be THAT solution, but I'm finding a pretty nice community here which is at least a somewhat social way to pass time.
Thanks for asking :) I kind of needed to vent anyway.
Hello there @johnyliltoe . I glad you share your thoughts with us. Hope you will do great with tradings. Be careful tho with EOS , it is still an asset based on ETH Blockchain. (i am not really into assets ).
With your anxiety i could recommend some sport :D A jogging a day keeps anxiety away :P
Keep up mate, enjoy your time here. See ya' around.
Thanks! Simple advice, but a necessary reminder. I spent way too much of my long weekend sitting in my dark room... jogging is a good, cheap activity that, as you say, will probably help :)
Johny...I hear where you're coming from. Steemit COULD be a nice little extra source down the road, but a year or two seems like a long road. Hope the anxiety starts to subside as a new contract is just around the corner!
Thank you :) Really appreciate the encouragement. Just one of those bumps in the road to get past, right? Strange times though, not used to things bothering me so much. Must be getting old :P
You don't need to send me any SBD but I just wanted to drop a line and say this is a really cool initiative you're doing to get people motivated and engaging on here! I'm only 5 days old on here but I have really enjoyed my time so far and am looking forward to connecting more in the future. I'm originally from Canada but I live in Bali, Indonesia. I joined steemit to connect to other people and have a place to put my thoughts and feelings where they might be reached and hopefully in some cases, have an impact. Long term goals include trying to organize a contest to help the local dog shelter here, and putting out content that strives to inspire love, happiness and peace in this world of ours. I'd love to hear your answer to the same. Congratulations on your milestone! Hope you have an amazing day! Thanks for spreading the kindness friend :)
-heart-to-heartHey @mikimike I'm doing awesome- thanks for asking :) How are you doing?
I really have to admit that your comment touched my feeling. Is great to connect with such beautiful people here in this community. Please let me know when you make you post for the shelter. I will follow you anywhere from now on :D
A great day to you too @heart-to-heart
#spreadsmilesHey @mikimike, I am thrilled to hear you were touched by my message. It means I am doing what I set out to do, connecting to hearts :) I hope to work on that idea over this week. I have a rescue from the shelter here with me now and am picking up another in 2 weeks so I hope to come up with something before then! I would be over the moon to share it with you when the time comes! Thanks for getting back to me and following me along the way. I'm a fan of your character so far and am happy to have connected with you! Have a great day and remember to smile! I'm starting a smile-movement if you would like to join :)
I will fall in love for you if you send me 2 more comments like this :D Haha. Your are so kind!
I will use #spreadsmiles in my smiley face posts :D Also i will comm with a pics of me smiling as soon as i can at your article :*
You already made my day more lovely.
Do you want 2 specifically or should I just follow you around and post them frequently? I haven't seen any smiley photos from you yet! I'll be waiting for it to show up on my replies ;)
Happy to hear I could be of service! Keep smiling (and sharing your money-people seem to like that) ;)
Best of luck with your shelter initiative! I also want to create a fundraiser for a local shelter. The basis is "Push-ups and Presses for Pups" So I would either count the number of push ups the person does or the number of bench presses at a certain weight and donate some incremental amount to the shelter. It has potential, but I need to get the ideas a little better organized!
Thanks for being a great human and helping the pooches in need!@Randomness let's stay in touch, we can work together on something! It breaks my heart to see all of the animals that are in need. I'll do some push-ups and send them in via video for you :)
That's a great idea @heart-to-heart! Thank for the suggestion! I'm following you now!
Let me know when you get yours going :)
Will do, thanks! :-)
What a great idea for a steemit post. I hope you make a fortune!!
You read my mind !! :D I hope i make a fortune and also make you guys happy.
I will share some of it. Mabye 10%. hahaa
Sharing is caring my friend. I'm happy to help haha.
Well he have almost 200 followers so for sure a good amount will add up!
I'll have a beer for that. :D
When we will meet we can drink one togheter!
What kind of beer you like?
I used to drink dark beer. :D 3 beers and i'm out :))
I am not really a fun of dark beer. I will have that time few Ursus!
This is great!
i yust joined steemit and i need say i like it )
keap up the good work
I like it too. With this comment this will be my 200 post here on Steemit!
Thumbs up for this!!! 👍
Thanks a lot! Well i am new here on Steemit but after i will grow a bit for sure i will add as well a fun game like this one!
and i will resteem it also
have a nice day
greetings trader
Thanks @traderr . Is nice to see appreciation from you guys.
Wish you all the best.
Make America Great Again
I hope i will make my country great one day. :D Until then i post on Steemit :))
lol...thats a nice one man. you got it! follow you also...
Thanks. Hope i brought a smile on you. :D
yes you did...lol
You're 2/10 :))
lol thats a great idea man you are very creativ i have to say!!
i realy like pepole like you
Thanks. 3/10 , you are really improving :D Go Go Go
What else can I tell you bro initiative is amazing you make people be with a smile and you make us unite I'm glad there are people like you here and appreciate you very much about it
If there were other people here like you the world would look different in my opinion because you are the one who loves to help and give from the heart according to what I see !! Go on like this
Sounds fun! I'm in... at the end of the day everybody like free SBDs!
Looks like dr. House aproves!
Hahaha if Dr.House aproves then we are on the safe side!
For sure we are!
Interesting. Happy Monday! Will resteem for you!
Thank you @kemosabe . Same great start of the week for you too.
See ya' around.
Hi Mike!
I'm from the Netherlands and I'm a full time UX Designer working on amazing brands to give them a website / webshop they can be proud of. My plans on steemit are actually trying to help people with tips and tricks and help everyone .
What is your goal on Steemit? 😀
Seems like you do a hard work. Design? Not for me. :D
I personally want to create a brand here. I want to improve my blogging skills and be in touch with as any people as i can. Also, $ is a thing here :))
Haha! Well design is nice to do! I see it more as a hobby than work! Besides that I also do a little programming, online marketing and sales. All rounder as designer haha!
Well, to create a brand you must publish good content ( going the right away! ) and try some online marketing like SEO and copywriting. Then your brand will take off! (Tip: Upload a profile picture, that goes a long way as well!)
You can't see my profile picture?!! :O
Nope! I just see the standard avatar :o
But why? i can see it and my friends sees it :D
Same view/goal as you.
Steem power!!
Welcome to the dark side!
What I really like about steemit is how many people are helping the minnows.It's just amazing. Every day I see a lot of posts which aim to help the beginners growing.
To be honest, I was thinking steemit is all about making money, but when I see so many Steemiants like you, I realize, it is a great community and I am proud to be part of it.
It's a lot like the military where everyone says the enlisted run the military...the minnow run steemit. You have to support the minnows and help them grow, give advice and encourage them with an occasional upvote. An inactive minnow doesn't help anyone. I am surprised at some of the junk content I see on here, but overall, it isn't too bad yet.
I'm trying to make myself a good time here :D there are lots of fun guys / girls here. I just need to wake them up :D
For the minnows every reward is welcomed. I just want them to get familiar with STEEM.
I received my rewards. Thank you.
More to come! you are now 3/10
Keep the good work!
I am doing great! I'm from the best coast and I'm here because I love cryptocurrency and jumped at the opportunity to be a part of a community that builds the blockchain their own way. This includes how we delegate those who verify and produce blocks (the witnesses). Congrats on 200 followers
Thanks @necrophagist . I also love crypto. I used to trade since December 2015 and mannaged to make over 25k $ . (calculated at half Bitcoin's price that is now) .
Steemit for sure will the the future of online social media
Yes Steemit for sure is going to be the future of online social media!
I agree
Yes, once some kinks get worked out and she gets a makeover
Seems like a win win Giveaway! Good Luck. Dropped a follow and resteem. Congrats on 200 Followers! I'm trying to build my community as well check out my profile @babyfist
Thank you. I will check your blog now. See you around buddy.
Don't forget to waste your 10 comments :D
You mean like this lol
For real tho. Thanks for this man. The giveaways on here are so cool
Also going to follow and upvote!
Good luck jwolf. Wow is right
You guys talking about " great post,such wow?"
Looks like my dogo is happy
You meow be lucky in this contest.
Looks like everybody winssss!!!!!
You're welcome!
Hope you will enjoy my future giveaways too.
See ya' around!
LOL. I'm saving this gif!
Great initiative man!
Thanks! :)
He wasn't kidding...I got my free SBD! Wow, thank you!
I love to play but not to fool around :P . Everyone gets his SBD . They just have to comment and have fun here :)
Cheers :D
Thanks for this awesome giveaway, I hope I can make it too.
You already made your 0.01 . 9 more comments you have :D
Grats on 200!
Thank you @agr8buzz . It been a rough month here as a newbie :D I must admit now, i am kind of addicted
Awesome, good luck with your journey
Thanks buddy. I wish you all the best too. Now your like 2/10 . If you like those free SBD go for a 10/10 comments :D
I heard that...I'm still trying to get my first 100. I think I need to focus less on content for now and more on socializing.
I think a balance between these 2 is a great thing :D.
Keep on Steem
What a very kind Gentleman you are to do this seeing as I gave my only 0.01 steem to a newbie like me to register on minnows.
Use you SBD as you want @crazybgadventure . Don't forget, you have 10 comments to share here :)
Really?? Oh I guess I did not read that part thank you friend. :)
Sometimes not paying attention will cost you money. :D
In this case will not bring you some extra SBD :D
It's because I concentrate more on what I do for the community than myself I just forget sometimes about the SBD, and want to help other people who are like me :)
I do the same thing at times and as a result sometimes get stretched in too many directions. I just have to make sure my time is spent most efficiently where I will still get results. Not spread my focus around so much that I don't make any headway anywhere.
So what is a hard fork then??
I have no freakin' idea :D for me is like a new regulation of a coin :)) Maybe smarter guys can help us here
yes yes yes someone tell us about the almighty hardness of the fork.
That makes me laugh. I have been thinking the same thing! This fork is numbered too. Very intriguing, but I am focusing on my content and trusting it will all become clear one day :)
Thanks for the money :)
Uhhh, let me thank you . Seems like you have a new comment, that means more SBD for you. Hahaa. I will pay all when i woke up. Go for a 10/10 is you like my free SBD :D
Wish you all the best
Peace, Abundance, and Liberty Network (PALnet) Discord Channel. It's a completely public and open space to all members of the Steemit community who voluntarily choose to be there.Congratulations! This post has been upvoted from the communal account, @minnowsupport, by mikimike from the Minnow Support Project. It's a witness project run by aggroed, ausbitbank, teamsteem, theprophet0, and someguy123. The goal is to help Steemit grow by supporting Minnows and creating a social network. Please find us in the
If you like what we're doing please upvote this comment so we can continue to build the community account that's supporting all members.
Yes, @minnowsupport. This post/contest is worthy of the upvote, thank you!
ok, here is another one
Thanks for this oppurtunity
Looking forward to get that SBD :D
I will use it wisely
Hello there! I just joined steemit a few days ago and i am looking forward to understanding how things are working around here :) Your contest is a really good way to welcome newcomers!
This is my first comment ever
Also I don't know how this works, but Steem does seem to have some steam behind it
Does replying to my own thread help?
Welcome on Steemit @zumich . I am sure one of us can help you with some newbies tutorials. I am not into that kind of posts but for sure i recommend you to look over :)
Have a great time here on Steemit. Here are you first earned SBD :D
Some of the tutorials do help. I just joined the discord this evening...so far it doesn't seem to be bogging down my computer, so that's a plus!
Wow, this is really nice of you to run this contest! I'm Greg, living in Spokane, Washington in the USA. I'm a bit tired now since it's 2am, but will be heading to bed soon. I got on Steemit because I could develop my writing a bit more. Work through some of my writers block that I can get on these kinds of platforms. And hopefully make a little extra money. I welcome the opportunity to be on the ground floor of something like this. I like making new friends and would love to follow anyone who follows me in return. Thanks!
I am gonna follow and upvote anyway
I will resteem as well
another four to go
thanks for this
<3 $ <3
Haha, congrats' buddy. You just earned your free SBD :D
@theokritos If you can't fight spam, support it in a way to control it :) Supported by @redpill :)
Btw, you are getting very unlucky rewards from my RESTEEM CONTEST even though you've done awesome work with your profile and my suggestions. Later on post about you and the other guy. And rewards offcourse :)
Hey man :) It is ok, thank you again for what you did :P
I wrote a post today by the way if you have the time and mood to check it and give feedback :)
My upvote is worth more than your prize, but i had to support. Idea and the whole thing about SAW as introduction post just gives me a glance of what psycho you are :)
Love it :)
Followed and upvoted :) - No Resteem until next game. Buahahahahha
Manager @ Chaos
Digital Lucifer
Lol, yeah..I suppose some efforts just tug at the heart strings and show as clever. The SAW things actually almost made me skip over the post!!! Just because that was a very strange movie. But I persisted and here I am!
Hello there @randomness . Here is Jigsaw. Are you ready to play a game?!
Hahaha! Well, since I am starting to see a pattern with your games, YOU BET!
I bet all in on this Giveaway :D . I am so happy to see everyone here on Steemit relaxed and enjoying his time!
Any ideas for a next giveaway?
Maybe something cross-promotional? Make 2 new friends and post your 2 favorite articles written by those friends and why you like them? Just a thought. Seems like it would be a good way to have the community engage with each other some more. They must also be sure to tag that new friend in their promotion of their links.
Not a bad idea! There is a guy who does that already. @cem is his name. He wrotes about who to follow for their good quality content. You should check his profile.
I have your idea in my notebook ! ;-)
click here!This post received a 4.1% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @murda-ra! For more information,
WOW!!! Thanks @randowhale, next time you can upvote my posts with 4.1% as well!!!! ahahhahahahahha
Enough of spamming comments, i'm done for today... Will never understand spammers, where they get power from :D I would be shooting myself with 2 BULLETS just to make sure im dead if i would be spending just few hours of spam, not days and months like rest of them do :D
Wow , this is so nice of you ! Thank you @murda-ra . This SBD that i earn from this post i will make another giveaway.
You're the real MVP.
@mikimike - Thanks man :) I guess that MVP status comes from my history of Gaming :) In my days we learned even through gaming community to respect other players and give them a chance :)
Your game is really unique by presentation, idea, and simplicity which is for me top 3 valued things about marketing nowadays :D
Great work and keep up!
We sometimes must go out of the box to create such simple things. I've made more Steemit friends with this article, than i did in my past 20 days :D
I hope i will bring more for this community.
Cheers buddy
Thanks @mikimike! I received my SBD this morning! Feel free to follow my blog as well, since I have done some extensive traveling and will be sharing a lot of those experiences over time. So far I have posted about Guam and the "Center of the Universe". LOL For real! :-)