Awesome contest @Finnian!! I would be too embarrassed to show the contents of "my bag" haha. I carry it rather than a purse because I can basically fit my whole life inside it including my laptop. When shopping, I just remove my wallet and carry it only. Maybe some ladies with a not-so-giant-bag can share their EDC.
Seriously, my friends call me "the bag lady".
Just for fun, here she is sitting on the end of my friend's 4'x7' pool table for size reference.

Thanks! You could always remove the embarrassing items. haha :)
Not so much embarrassing items, just... So. Much. Stuff. LOL... I may try to arrange them here shortly so that everyone can see, I'll have to do some organizing. :)
Surprisingly no one else has posted an image of their EDC yet, so you could win it by posting yours! Make sure you include your worn and other items.
Sorry for the dark pics, I'm at a friend's house and not in the best lighting situation.
Here it goes, starting on the right, I have a scarf, usually I keep an extra hoodie in there, but not today. Then my laptop in it's case with charger, plus a phone charger and cheap ear phones, I hate earbuds (phone always travels too, but I'm using it to take pics).
Next up is a little notebook, during normal working hours I usually have a couple more full-sized notebooks too, and then, of course, my little arsenal of writing utensils.
The smallest matching bag is actually my wallet, which is nice because it is big enough to fit my phone, keys, and chap-stick, along with all my normal wallet-stuff, for short outings.
Now, to the girl stuff... The bag on the left is my toiletries bag, it contains most of my daily makeup (which isn't even daily anymore since I mostly work from home), plus any toiletries I may need - most valuable items being toothbrush/toothpaste, deodorant, eye drops for my eye allergies, and pH balanced wipes, which are actually "feminine wipes" but, I use them on my face MANY times a day as a nice refresher - they are mainly just water and aloe juice. And lastly, hair brush and clips - my hair is quite long, but fine so it needs managed to keep from tangling like crazy.
I also keep a lot of stuff in my trunk and will exchange items in my bag to my trunk, or vice-versa. In there I keep blankets, at least 2 chairs, extra clothes, rain boots, and lots of other crazy stuff. The whole living out of my car/bag came from years of doing outside sales, and just kind of stuck. Anytime someone needs something and I'm around, I'm the first they'll ask because more than likely, if it's not in my bag, it's in my trunk.
As far as worn items, there is only one thing I feel completely lost without (besides my glasses), and that is my silver rose ring. I bought it in 2010 after my divorce because I felt naked without having something on my finger, plus it was about the same weight/feel as my wedding set, and it is just awesome. Now, of course, I'm completely over the divorce, but the ring will be sticking around. At this point, it is my "signature piece", and I've even came back to the house to get it if I've forgotten it somehow. Weird, I know... ;)
And here I am today, with my glasses and without makeup chilling in a warm house robe - so much for carrying all that makeup around, eh? LOL
Thanks, @Finnian - this was actually very fun!! I know that I should be carrying more preparedness items, but I do keep lots of that in my car, even stuff to make a little candle heater. I could use my big bag as a bug-out if need be by throwing in a few other items, it's certainly big enough!
Millennia, you're the winner of one of the kits since you're the only one that did EDC drop within the rules. I cannot use Discord here at work, but please PM me on there with a mailing address. :)
Wow! I wasn't expecting that! Thanks, Finnian! It will make an awesome addition to my med kit!!
You're very welcome! It's perfect size for carrying in a purse or backpack. Please do keep it near you. If you ever have a major bleeding wound, it will save your life. The box was mailed yesterday. You should have it soon!
I will definitely do that! Thanks, again! :)