Winners of Minnows Contest - Announcement

in #contest7 years ago (edited)

The Contest

Last week i organized a contest for readers and writers. The premise was that the writer-reader relationship is the glue of literary works, as Samuel Johnson aptly put — 'A writer only begins a book. A reader finishes it'.

My aim, in a sentence, was to encourage engagement through reading my works. Accordingly, i featured a story which i had written prior.

There were two categories, namely Category A and Category B. One could only take part in either of them, and not both.

In Category A, the task was to suggest the overall title for the story. To quote my words in the contests post

Of course each chapter will have a heading, but the complete story must have a title. One thing I am sure is that you will need to read all the chapters to finally zero down on the most suitable title. So just reading one chapter will not get you anywhere near, trust me!

So all you had to do, was suggest the most suitable title for the story.

The prize was 1SBD for the winner

In Category B, the task was suggest the the moral of the story. Again to quote my words in the contest post

I plan to ensure that each individual chapter of the story has at least one moral. So your task is to suggest at least three (3) morals. Of these, two (2) will have to be taken from any of the chapters (there will always be a minimum of 3 chapters). The third will be the overall moral of the story as you see fit.

Again all you had to do, was suggest at least 2 chapter morals, and 1 overall moral for the story

The prize was 2SBD


The contest, on a low note, didn't get as much participation as i had expected. And there are probably many reasons to explain that, in large part because i likely ran it too soon, or maybe i didn't set the conditions to best taste.

But there is always a silver lining to every cloud. And there was even here. Four people took part in the contest.

Category A

There was only one entrant, namely @steemvisions. The title suggested was


Effectively, @steemvisions wins the prize of 1SBD, not because he/she was the only entrant, but in large part because i found that a title close enough to what i'd have personally thought. @steemvisions reasons, even helped stake the claim more.

Congratulations @steemvisions

Category B

This category had three (3) entrants, namely @eos.seo, @viking-ventures and @boladayl. Honest to say, they each gave near identical morals of the several chapters, and it was kind of difficult for me to decide the winner. But i found @boladayl to have captured them more adeptly.

Congratulations @boladay1

Other prizes

Whereas i did not mention in the contest post, there were also two other prizes to be won.

a). Prize for submitting the first entry. This was, you can say, my way of showing gratitude to the first entrant, for showing enthusiasm, being quick and supportive. The prize was 0.25$. And it went to @viking-ventures, sent shortly afterward.

b). Prize for identifying one of the morals i had already, and deliberately included in one of the chapters. The reason i incldued the moral, was to act as a check, to ensure that contestants actually read the story. I expected that some would try to game the contest, by only just reading the last or first chapters persay. So included it in chapter 2. Whoever was the first to notice it, won 0.5 SBD. The winner again, was @boladay1, and i sent the prize shortly afterward.

c) Post pay out share
Whoever would take part in the contest was entitled to an equal share of the payout from the contest post. As it stands, the post is yet to pay out (should be in two days). The contest ended, and there were only 4 entrants among whom the post pay out should be paid, ultimately.

However, considering that @steemvisions and @boladayl have already won BIG, and this was only a small contest, i would want to show equal love for the other two contestants!! I am of the opinion, provided @steemvisions and @boladayl do not protest, that the post payout be divided and sent upon payout, to @eos.seo and @viking-ventures.

Congratulations once again, @boladayl, @viking-ventures, @steemvisions and @eos.seo for truthfully reading and sharing in my story. Look out for the next!

With Love

asapers 2.png
Banner by @shai-hulud


Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu @mirror. You just gave me my first earnings.

To be sincere, i am suspicious with contests, but you have now convinced me. I cant wait for the next one. Thanks very much.

Congratulations to everyone for participating. There is no problem, you can divide the post rewards between @eos.seo and @viking-ventures. I do not protest.

Glad to know. The post rewards will then be divided between @eos.seo and @viking-ventures upon payout. @boladayl too agrees. Thanks, and Congrats again.

i am sorry i can't write well in English, but i read. My favorite contemporary in english is Donna Tartt

I have looked up your blog, @luigiborla, you write mostly in Italian.

Your English, following the few posts you have written in English, is maybe not the best, i agree, but still you write alright, enough to get your ideas across.

I see you also do TA on cryptos. I am not so conversant in this, but i am starting to take a particular interest in them, now that i might need to occasionally withdraw and use some of my steem cents!!!

So i am very interested in your TA, and will start to take some lessons. I just might even be useful, should you wish for help in refining your English so to best get your TA writings more clearly, if you wish me to. Just PM.

And thanks a lot, for the 100%

yes well TA is fun, i also try to analyze the ideas and the projects, i have written very few of it until now. Thanks for reading, then you are in africa right?

Africa yes. East Africa, Uganda, to be specific. Thanks

It was a great idea for the contest, but I think it demanded z very high level of engagement. Still, it was your first contest, and even with the level of difficulty you had 4 entrants! That is something to be happy about!
By dividing the prizes like you do, you show a great generousity!

I am certainly glad for the 4. Imagine if i had received no entry! lol. But well, it was something of a learning experience. The next should perform better.

Oh, thank you @mirrors, I am both excited and surprised. Of course, it's only fair that the other contestants have the post's payout.

On the turn-out, I expect it would improve with future editions. Contest creators who can afford it do fund it from their purse until the contest can fund itself, otherwise they review the prizes pending.

I'll look forward to your next series. It's been fun!

You are welcome @boladayl. The bigger honor is mine.

I am happy you took part. Imagine the heartbreak if no one had entered! lol. But thanks, really. You especially read the work. And that gives me joy.

I plan doing another sometime soon. I am encouraged, knowing you will, if all else don't, enter.