I am still in the process of figuring out formatting comments but I would like to submit my introduction for this weeks contest.
I am still in the process of figuring out formatting comments but I would like to submit my introduction for this weeks contest.
hey @motinkergnome, you should watch out for the "Dear Dawne" series that comes out on my blog every week. We have a pro, steemit mentor @goldendawne and she gives you tips on how to do exactly what you mentioned. Check her out and send her a message, she is always looking to help!
Welcome to steemit and if I can help you, please let me know.
Thanks for the tip.
Welcome to our weekly contest. Do you have any video footage of your drone work?
I have some early testing before I formed the LLC, It was forming the business that got me introuble with the FAA. I pulled the later videos to comply with the FAA order. Stupid FAA.
now it is cheaper and easier to just buy a DJI and be done with it. But back at the time, 3d Robotics was the premo source for controllers. The only problem is that you needed to figure out and get your hardware to work with them.
This was the first autonomous test. I was a bit nervous as I did not have my PID set properly on the controller and it wanted to drift untill the autoflight switch was flipped.
Here is another one with the gimbal mount installed. the 900 mhz video transmitter could not really keep up without glitching but the gimble worked well for stable video.