Thanks for your post. I would like to see you go more in-depth and explore the ideas and reasons behind in more detail. You get a 40% upvote.
Thanks for your post. I would like to see you go more in-depth and explore the ideas and reasons behind in more detail. You get a 40% upvote.
Thank you I sure will...
yes the main goal here is to create a national debate in Ghana and then hopefully all of West Africa and all of subsaharan africa about Aynn Rand and Rational Self Interest
It has actually shaped ones way of thinking.
I want to ask you if you think that we could use Steemit as a way to help the poor communities. I wrote an article about it, I am not following any reward on it though, I would like your opinion on it. I am a Software Engineer trying to get science to the new generation of students. There is not much interest for this and I am sure the idea could be put into practice! My lifelong dream.