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RE: A Bit Curious Contest #2 100 SBD in Prizes - 7-10-18

in #contest7 years ago (edited)

I hate autovotes and 'curation' trails. Upvoting your mates without even reading the post in return for your mate doing the same makes a mockery of the platform, and its always the greedy older members and their 'old boys' network. No newbies, however good, get to break into this inner circle.
If rewards were paid on actual eyes on page, and number of comments it would be a much better system.
I also hate how most of the small boys club barely engage and never upvote theit commenters, again because theyre saving all their to upvote their mates.
Finally, I hate the general greediness and lack of compassion and charity here. Sell some badly drawn trading cards which cant even be played with yet and people spend millions buying them. Attempt to raise funds for a good cause to nothing.
You hit the nail on the head in one of your previous comments. Steem totally reflects the general real world economic model. The rich get richer and the poor feed on the scraps. There is absolutely no great empowerment or freedom on this blockchain. Its used as an ATM rather than a new style social network and the whales and dolphins encourage the minnows and plankton to work hard..thus lining their pockets.


True, true, true, andddd true.

The way old vests acted really killed the platform from the start, imo steemit and steem are completely dead if tether kicks the bucket, steem's price has never risen on its own independent of price manipulation by the exchanges+tether. Can't have anti-social people dominating what's supposed to be a social network and expect it to thrive.

I don't have a lot of SP, and at 100% it's only worth $0.12 per upvote, regardless of this I try to spread it out and give high votes on occasion, or spread it out through votes of 23% that give $0.03 per upvote. It isn't much but I try being fair and give as many people who engage on my content votes without running my voting power meter into the ground.

I haven't actually read any posts by whales, or looked into them. At the moment my main concern is engaging with those who want to engage, and take part in earning something for engaging with me. Whether it be a whale, dolphin, minnow, or shark bait, everyone is the same to me.

We are all but words on a screen.

The amount isn't important. The fact is you read, engage and discuss. Even if its 1% on your slider and worth dust, its the engagement that matters and the manners in acknowledging someone taking time to read the post and commenting thoughtfully. Again, whether you agree or disagree with the comment isn't important, its the debate and engagement.
I like to name names, so take a look at this, the comments and the list of upvoters and compare to all her other posts. The people who big upvote never comment, her general fans that do, no upvotes for them. Its exactly this kind of 'member' of the old boys network Im talking about.

People will engage with you, perhaps cos youre running competitions but then it gets personal. We maybe words on a screen, but the fingers that type the words are flesh and blood ;-)

Ah I see your point of view now, personally I try to read and reply to everyone who engages, as they are taking the time to come here to engage. They are giving me a part of their limited resource, time, the least I can do is give them the same in return.

Thanks for the link, I'll look through her blog a little later once I'm done reading the new comments on this post.

Haha yes I can't argue with that, there is a physical being behind the words that a lot of time, people overlook or pay no mind to.