
I had my suspicions. So you get to keep all nine claws even when you die?

😸Reincarnating on earth, yes. Reincarnating somewhere else, I don't know yet. I'll let you know after I pass through the gate on the final exit.

Ok cool yeah send me a text when you get there to let me know you're ok. Drive safe.

P.S. Do you think the people I follow that I am not as interested in will notice if I stop following them so I don't keep missing my chance to vote on spidercats??

More like "fly safe" (not in a plane) and I'll connect telepathically to confirm safe arrival.

P.S. Do you think the people I follow that I am not as interested in will notice if I stop following them so I don't keep missing my chance to vote on spidercats??

😂 welllllllll..... I just unfollowed over 30. Three unfollowed me as soon as I did that, kind of funny in my mind.

So they dooooo know. How do they know? Does it tell you if someone unfollows you? How rude!
Fly safe!
Ok lemme go see what you said on the other threads we got goin'

Yes, you get a notification that says "unfollowed" by whomever it was. LOL

I'm losing track. I was writing a post but somehow have been touring hive for the last several hours.

Fingers crossed for a safe flight, I think a ride will be picking me up just outside the gate, so should be good.

Wait, you're dying NOW??

I still haven't managed to finish reading about Spider. I think he was trying to get your roommate to like him by leaving her that mousegift.