The Masters' Contest March 2018 – Can you interpret the dream?

in #contest7 years ago (edited)

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Credit: pixabay

The purpose

In my contests, everybody wins. So the purpose is to give you an incentive to train your intuition, to open up your mind to the inner worlds, to train your mind for more flexibility. As you become skilled in that you allow the expanded reality to infiltrate into your daily reality and improve it - more abundance, better health, balanced relationships, much more love. And yes, there is also a prize (SBD).

Your mission, should you choose to accept it:

To offer the most accurate interpretation of the dream that is written below. While there is no one correct answer, and dreams are subjective, still there is an interpretation that is more common to many people. So you should check for the objects in the dream, the scenes, and then exercise your intuition. Take your time, you have 7 days to come up with an interpretation.

The Rules:
  • The contest begins today and will last until the end of the month; Last chance to submit your interpretation or an upvote for one, is March 31st 23:59 (any time zone).
  • Write your interpretation as a comment. Only one interpretation is allowed per person;
  • It is allowed to be assisted by websites that provide dreams-interpretation but I don't think they would be helpful. I have my own way to interpret dreams, as you may have realized already.
  • An interpretation should be at least 100 words but no more than 250 words long;
  • The prize: 10 SBD + 50% of the SBD received as upvotes for this post (up to 40 SBD total);
  • How the prize will be divided?: 90% will go to the author of the interpretation; 10% will be distributed among the first 10 people who will have upvoted for the author's interpretation; It is allowed to upvote for only one interpretation. So choose carefully which interpretation you are most connected with. You can change your vote anytime until the end of the contest.
  • The prize will be given only if at least five (5) interpretations will be submitted.
  • To keep the contest fair I will not comment on any of your interpretation. I will upvote each (1%) to show that I have seen it. In the end, I will announce the winner and post my own interpretation (which is already written).
  • The winner will be chosen based on two parameters: 80% according to my own discretion, whose interpretation will be the most similar to the one I will present. 20% - how many people have upvoted to that interpretation.

This is the dream you are requested to offer an interpretation for:

This is a dream that bothers me a lot. I dreamed I was at a bus stop and my Ex got there with his girlfriend and I tried to show that everything was fine with me. A friend came and suggested that we'd go to his house. I left my belongings at the station and went with him. At his home, I tried to talk to his mother but then I found out she was deaf and she did not understand anything I said.

When I came out of the house I noticed that the door didn't have any handle and instead of a handle was a nail. I pulled the nail to open the door but the nail just got out and everyone laughed. I arrived back at the bus station, my Ex and his girlfriend have already gone and my belongings were missing. Someone told me they were somewhere else. I found myself in my school and most of the class gathered there. I asked one of my friends where my things were, especially my laptop, and he told me to look in the computer room. So, I went to the computer room but actually got to a hospital where I began looking for my computer. I remember that during the search all the time I was afraid to catch people's illnesses and I saw a doctor there that I know. One room was also empty of people.

I am 17 years old. Recently broke up with my boyfriend as he did not want a serious relationship and he felt that he was hurting me. Today I have no boyfriend.


Good Luck to all. Remember: 100-250 words! Browse my past posts to read dreams interpretations that I have done. It may assist you. This post in particular


The reason she is waiting at a bus stop in her dream is because she still hopes her boyfriend comes back to her. Perhaps they originally met there or it’s where her ex broke up with her. She is still in love and at the same time she could feel lost. Sometimes, you dream about what you are hoping for, what you think endlessly about, what your body or your mind misses. In her dream, she is trying to show her ex that everything is fine. I think what she really wants to do in real life, is to lay on his shoulder and start crying and be with him, but she can’t and she know it. But at the same time she wants to be strong. In her life there is a friend she rely on at this difficult times she goes through. The nail instead of door handle could mean her pain, pain she feels after her ex break up. She feels as a looser, after her ex broke up with her, she thinks everyone looks at her as a looser, that would be the reason why everyone laughs at her in her dream. This whole thing with her missing belongings and her computer could mean that she is confused, lost, betrayed and she is looking for help. She is at the hospital, because of her broken heart💔. 😞

Here is “your”suggestion for her dreams

When you go to sleep, lie in your bed, contemplate the problem for a little bit, without stressing and fretting or worrying. Then, give yourself the following suggestion:
"In my dreams tonight I will receive a guidance about my dilemma regarding [x], and in the morning when I wake up I will know what to do".

@nomad-magus You at a bus stop means you want to go somewhere as in move on (This shows your +ve attitude)
Your are trying to show everything is fine shows that you have been loyal and committed in your relationship yet you were hurt due to the breakup this shows your sensitive side.
Your leaving your things at the bus stop shows you being disturbed at the sight of your ex being with some one else and a loss that is still bigger then any other loss or thing you care about. At a certain level you still care for your Ex and the wounds of breakup are still deep.
You want to communicate with the mother of your friend that is a person who would understand you but because the person is deaf so you cannot. This shows your attempt to get over things but there is no one to trust with whom you can share your inner feelings. No one who has a connect and understands your feelings. Instead you feel everyone would laugh at you and be insensitive this is shown by the nail incident. Your attempt to fix things is your attempt to search for lost belongings. Your landing up at a hospital represents your inner wounds that need to be healed.
Your finding a doctor you know shows slowly but surely wounds would heal and you would be fine and move on.

I will try to interpret the dream as best as I can. Dreaming about bus stop could be like she is still waiting for the relationship to be fix. She acts so tough but deep inside you are too broken. A new relationship might come along the way of you denial but you are still stuck in the past. You are trying to find the characteristic of your bf to that person but you can’t find it. You tried hard to move on but the memories you’ve shared together is still there. You want to let go but at the same time you are scared to let go. It seems like your view about relationship suddenly change. A doctor might represent as someone who will actually help you get over the situation since you said it is someone that you know. You just need to listen and be open minded.

Nice post, Thanks for sharing with us

Dream, everyone knows the name of the dream, including me and you who are currently reading this post.
Simple example, when you imagine later in the future you want to own a house, a car or aspire to become a famous person, usually such actions or deeds can be called a dream. "I dream someday will ..." yes! that's what his expression is.

Another example: "Last night I dreamed of getting a lot of reading books about the success of the young, in the dream I get a book for free, but when I woke up in my bed there are books reading that last night I read", well illustration we can call DREAM.

With the above two examples you can understand that the title of DREAM is usually aimed at two things.
Thus the definition of DREAM simply can we conclude like this:

Dreams = desires, ideals, hopes and fantasies for something that wants to happen in the future

Dream = A description of the activity or event that occurs when a person sleeps.

This is the interpretation of this first dream, very interesting, think about something and desire to do it, this is the dream DQmNkcZiL7PUZdQaCRAr64Y57jMxKQhFNpPgWuh3y8M8dwh.gif

We need to work with a good mind to do any work, so that we do not have a little bit in our mind, this is my dream explanation

we dream. Everybody dreams less or less. Sometimes this dream is sweet, sometimes terrible. When we saw the nightmare, we climbed up and down on the bed. Do not be afraid to entertain yourself, nor is it just a dream. There is no end to the dispute among the scholars about the reasons for the dream. Many people wanted to say dreams to dream. But from history we see, dreams are not just dreams. In this dream, there are unreal hard realities

Boy Adrian Christian, living in Man Island, dreamed that he was the captain of a ship. His family is on another ship. Then the ship suddenly became in danger and he rescued them with his ship. The next morning he told his brother Thomas a dream. Boy Adrian is actually a captain of the ship

In 1880 the 'British India' ship traveled from London to Australia to Rangoon. The captain of the ship was in charge of Captain Adrian Christian. A few days after the journey to Rangoon, Captain Adrian dreamed that a ship was in danger. At the end of the dream, the word 'family' flows very brightly in front of her eyes. He remembered the dreams of the little sister, and she remembered. The next day he doubled his search activity twice

The same dream repeats the next night. It is felt in that the perilous ship is in response to its own ship. In spite of protests from the under-officers, he changed his ship's speed to the north. After two days of continuous journey, he saw the mast of a submerged ship in the far-horizon. 269 ​​lives could be saved due to reaching the endangered ship. Among them was his brother Thomas. The name of the submerged ship was Family<

Thanks for the posting you share

An online Steemschool is free for us to get many collaboration and knowledge, education itself, laziness fades away people,

This is a very interesting contest. let's all friends follow this contest.

Will try my level best, do I have to interpret a dream only one time or five times?

One interpretation only is allowed

Lol this dream is a funny one, youre probably missing him and even the dream tells he's not ready for something serious.

Anyway this is my interpretation:

If you dont unattach yourself completely from this guy, you will loose something very precious to you, the pursuit of whatever you might think you have left with him is futile, not even his family or friends could help.

Well, this is what i see. In other words, dreams are dreams and might only remain so. Cheers


People Must be more who know this interesting information.

Come on to other friends, share it to every community and friends in your area. Do not forget the resteem.

The First thing I notice about your dream is your attempt to show that you are O.K. this indicates the underlying hurt that you still feel
The thought that your Boy friend has moved on and got a new girlfriend disturbs you and this is manifested in your dream
your attempt to find your belonging shows you are trying to fix the damage that has happened.
You perceive that people around you do not understand you. As as evident in you trying to talk to a deaf person who is older and with whom you are trying to talk.
Your finding yourself at a hospital shows you getting treatment to your woulds and this is a good sign. It shows you getting help, support and healing from a known person whom you trust.

You are not comfortable to meet your Boyfriend and the thought of him getting a new person a girl to take your place disturbs you a lot.
The loss of things at the bus top at some levels relates to you losing something of value. It also means you losing your boyfriend but at a deeper level it also shows you get very distressed and are emotionally at the same point your boyfriend left you where as he may have moved on and got a girlfriend.
The point that you want to show that everything is alright with you is in some way an indication of you having your guard up. A way of trying to deal with the situation. Yet you are not very effective as you get so disturbed that you leave valuable things behind at the bus stop.
You also feel alienated when the mother of your friend turns out to be a deaf person. So you at some level feel isolated and your attempts to reach out are failing.
You searching for things has two meaning one you still feel the loss and the positive side is you are trying to search and undo the damage.
Hospital is a place for treatment and you finding yourself there reflects you getting healed and this is good.How ever you are also afraid that things may get worse.

I see 4 elements in your dream they are
Healing and
Moving On

Hurt:You are hurt and this disturbs you a lot the fact that your boy friend has left you is a matter of hurt
Insecurity: Your boyfriend getting a new person in his life creates further insecurity and hurt in you.
No one listening and understanding you. You finding a nail instead of handle and people laughing at you. You feel confined in the room and in your current situation.
Healing: You are trying to find the lost things this is in a way a good thing. Even your landing up at a hospital while searching is a sign of your hurt getting healed. You finding an empty room is a sign of you getting a space of your own where no one would ridicule or hurt you.
Moving On: First your sign of showing that everything is fine shows both the hurt and you trying to protect your self by not showing your wounds to your ex. Even your trying to find the lost stuff is an attempt to repair the damage done.
The Silver lining: I think the dream takes you from the place that shows injury (The Bus stop) to the hospital a place of healing and away from your Ex boyfriend so in realty you are moving away from the person who hurt you and this is a good sign.

I believe she is not at peace with the break up so she awaits him at the bus stop. But as her friend comes and suggests they go over to his house leaving the belongings - she leaves her thoughts and makes a decision based on her friends' thoughts.
As she leaves friend's house she is back with her own thoughts, but there is no handle but a nail because she can't get to her thoughts because she listens to the friend too much.
She comes back but her belongings - now, the feelings are gone, she asks a friend for direction how to get them but she comes to hospital because she is now hurting because she didn't listen to her own thoughts and feelings.

I think the reason she dreamed about her ex, with his girlfriend is that there is an unclosed connection between her ex. The invitation of his friend from the bus stop to his house represents her wanting to move on or just to make her attention pointing to something else to avoid thinking about him. The things she left behind was her actual feeling for his ex, and try finding it means that she still hopes everything will go back to the way it was. The room where she thought was a computer room but got into a hospital instead represents her feelings, hidden and hurting from her past relationship and the fear of catching peoples illness is the fear of loving and trusting again.

Aha, so this is the contest. I will try my best and post an answer later. :)

Well somehow I can't bring myself to comment my interpretation. Oh well.

Her "Belongings" are a metaphor for the woman herself. Leaving all her belongings "to" her ex at the bus station indicates she gave herself up for and identified herself through him. Forgetting her belongings means she forgot herself. The deaf mother mirrors the woman's feeling of not finding a sympathetic ear for her position, only deaf ears.
The woman's search for her belongings represents the search for her idendity and lost/forgotten Self. Here, she finally ends up in the hospital, the fear of contracting other patients' illnesses reflecting the woman's fear to get so eaten up by her loss of Self and inner pain that she will never be healed again.

Whether the bus stop, school or hospital with the ill patients, in all these places she searches for her belongings, hence idendity. Yet it is rather a search for false idendity, because she always asks other people where her belongings are. So essentially she asks others "Who am I?"

It is here that the empty hospital room comes into play: here, there are no people to ask "Who am I?". She meets nobody but herself. In this empty hospital room there are neither ill nor healthy people, only she herself. But this is still a hospital where healing is ought to take place. So she needs to find out for herself whether this empty hospital room where she meets nobody but herself, might be the place where healing can take place ;) [241 words]

Haha, that's again a great idea! You will never ran out of contests with these dream interpretations 😃

the goal gives us an incentive to train intuition, to open minds to the inner world, to train the mind to be more flexible. sometimes also to train the way views as well with the mind becomes a matter of illusion ties cause us in lazy to learn .

Well get ready to shove me up with SBD

This kind of dream is such a meaningful dream, and lot of things need to be explained. The break ups did a big infact, firstly, you can’t easily forget what you both sharing memories with until even in your dreams his still the one you’re thinking of. It explains also what kind of boyfriend he was when you’re still together. Maybe God really wants you to open your mind, heart and everything that this guy is not meant for you and you really need to move on.
Lastly, dreams can be somewhat true especially you can still remember it the next day. But it still depends on the person who really fight the test of life. In reality we get the test first before we can learn the lesson. 😘

It's something related about life, often we try to behold the things that aren't meant for us, by doing so we lost many responsibilities, opportunities and relationships that were really meant for us, after giving the things time that can never be ours we someday realise about the truth, at that time nothing is in our favour, not health, not time, not circumstances and death is eagerly waiting for us.
So better is to trust our lord, who has planned everything for us.

Count me in. I will give it a try. Thanks

i will interpret your dream in that way:
You are very caring person and you care about everyone around you but you are afraid of losing them that's why to overcome this fear you want to busy yourself every time with new things but they also become fairy for you but at last you will got perfect peoples around you.

Great writing skills development contest...Count me @nomad-magus

According to the philosophers, a reflection of human thinking emerges in his sleep, which is just ideas and ideas. There is no similarity with reality.

Dreams are the names of thoughts that are seen in the sleep. On the other hand, this dream is the fate of the people.

The dream is also a subject of modern psychology. It was my dream that many people did not even dream about it. Or the dream of my life was not like that. I mean, the hope of the mind, Plan So the meaning of dreams is metaphor here.

so that people feel unconsciously different imaginary phenomena in sleepingconditions. Although the facts are myths, it seems to be true when I see dreams. Most of the time, Dosta himself seems to be participating in that incident. Often, pieces of old experience can be combined into different types of memories and transformed into impossible events.

There are some dreams that do not require any explanation. Because these are the creation of our subconscious mind. You might be feeling someone or you are worried about something - these things may be published in a sleepy way through dreams. Sometimes people see these nightmares due to stress in daily life. But there are some dreams that we do not understand. All dreams are not possible to explain.

Dream is a series of pictures and emotional groups that come in the mind of people during sleep. These may be imagination, may be the subject of subconscious mind, or anything else, it is very difficult to sort. Generally people see many dreams, but they can not remember all.

Most people can not remember the dreams seen in sleep Because it is the creation of subconscious mind. To keep in mind the dream, keep a book and a pen beside the bed. Write it down as soon as you woke up and woke up!!

We all dream of a lesser one, many people probably claim that "I do not dream", but that's not true, the main thing is that those who claim this claim can not really remember the dream. There are some common misconceptions about dreams and something we may not know. I will share some information about you today with dreams that you might not know.

• The blind also dream: you might think, how do you dream when a person becomes blind? But the real thing that they see their dreams of memories, even those born blind, they dream, their dream was not a picture of their feelings, words, etc., with a dream

• We can only dream about what we know, that is, we can not dream beyond our boundaries.

• Most people who quit smoking, they often dream about smoking.

•Our external emotions affect the dream, as if we are thirsty in sleep, we will drink water in the dream.

• When we call a nose, we do not see anyone in the dream.

• Many of us think that sleep is the rest of the brain, but when we look in the dream our brain is functional.

@nomad-magus i am trying to describe about dream totally of my mind thinking. Thanks for this contest. i try my best.

First of all thanks for this contest. @nomad-magus.
People spend sleeping 33% of life. Dreams are an indispensable part of human sleeping life. The senses are diminished in a sleepy state but not completely inactive. So, there was a lot of imaginative thoughts and scenes in sleep. All these scenes are said to be viewed in a similar way. The continuity of the awakened situation can also be called a dream. In our dreams, different emotions, information and theories are revealed to me. The dream seen in the dream is as clear as the awakened vision. We dream, that is, the dream is basically the philosophy of the senses. Seeing the dream is like watching a movie. But other senses also have a secondary role in the dream. In the awakened state such as reaction to the body, there is also some physical reaction to show a dream.

dream can not be interpret.but we can show it by completing it.And we can get it by hard work.

In my opinion the dreamer is faced an real adversity situation in life and possibly it can be an heart break situation due to broke up of relationship with his boyfriend and this dream showing the illness phase of dreamer and this can possibly mean that dreamer is living in the illness state in current phase due to the broke up and the missing of belongings from station is nothing but the sign of peace of mind is disturbed and lost after this broke up situation and the dream of hospital is nothing but the subconscious mind is giving the message to dreamer that she need an healing and rest to get out of this situation so that the dreamer can start an fresh life once again. Thanks for sharing this contest with us and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

I think the dreamer was deeply involved with her boyfriend. That's the only reason why the ex visited her dream. Her fear is that he dumped her for another girl. There is a friend of the dreamer, may be a secret admirer who likes her. But she never considered him because she felt that she would be laughed upon if she was with him.
She feels that she was used for something in her earlier relationship.
Her ex boyfriend must have been caring due to which she is feeling insecure about getting caught up with some health issues. She does have people around her but still feels alone without her ex.

This is my interpretation of your dream.

Factually your Ex- left you and have took alot from you. Which you have just come to realize it and you are going through an emotional trauma.
The traumatisation has lead your mind to be wandering about and hope all is fine

Reason for her dream is when a relationship marks you deep inside. It's because he broke up with her, because of her pain, because she feels betrayed, she lost her self confidence when dreaming about people laughing at her. Her friend trying to help her, but her grief has taken her too deep. She is looking for help from people she trust and she is heartbroken and lost. She feels that everything was taken away from her. It's not just because its finished that everything inside her must fade away immediately. I think her subconscious is processing the break-up and trying to communicate with her something about it. Most likely she will start to have normal dreams after a certain period. Months, days, it varies from person to person.

Excellent contest,Dream of equility of opportunity,of privilege and property widely distributed.IMG_20180324_014154_913.jpgThe freedom of man and mind is nothing but a dream.
They are right?
Dream are not those who sleep.
The dream is that you do not sleep.I always dream to be scared,But my dream is that I can make my parents very happy.
I want to do something that can bring their name to light.
I mean to say that they are proude of me.
This is my dream and my ♥ wish.

The first part that is seeing ex on bus stop depicts that the person is gone and can no way come back. But then as you go to her house it shows that there is still something that belongs to you that is with him and you need to get it back. The door handle as a nail and it coming out shows that you should not be leaving place without that thing as it is there only inside the house. You need that thing so much that you forget about your other belongings. Moreover later part talks about laptop maybe that thing is on his laptop... So you be looking for his laptop to find the thing. It could be a video picture or document that you require at school.

When people sleep, then every person has to pass the whole time through two types of sleep. One says, 'Rem Slip' is another 'Nonreame Slip'. Two types of sleeping have different characteristics, different characters. Depending on the time, sleep depth, body reaction, brain activity, sleep patterns, dreaming, or feeling like sleeping, depending on the type of sleeping character.

Even though sleep started with a non-slip sleep, the number of nightsite slips decreased and the nightmare increased as much as the number of sleep slips. In Ram Sleep, people can dream about dreaming and wake up when they wake up.

And the interpretation of the events that match the dream is not very true. What is that is the Coincidence The subconscious mind wants to match the incident.
When people are mentally depressed, they want to match everything. And people who want to remember about the incident of depression. On the other hand, when the mood is good, people can easily ignore or avoid many issues.

First of all, thank you very much, for organizing such a beautiful contest.
I am very happy to participate in this competition.
I did not believe in dreams before. I never dreamed about But for a while, when I heard the advice of @nomad-magus. I am very surprised to hear about him. I thought that is exactly what it is! In fact, what I think before sleeping, it will come in my dreams! I have not been able to find answers to many things. If I think of this before sleeping, I will find my answer!
So I thought, I will try a little bit about this matter.
Today I will share my experience with you.
The first day I tried to sleep at night, to find my answer. But i did not get Nothing has come in my dream.
But to be amazed,
Before I sleep at night the next day I think again about that matter.
Then I found my answer.
I was so surprised to wake up.
So I'm very grateful to David.
I am sharing my questions and the answers.
I always used to think that my boyfriend would propose me so much beauty, just as we would see in the movie.
So I could not accept my boyfriend's mind.
I thought, I'm right!
So I tried it through my dream.
My answer was in the dream-
My boyfriend loves me a lot, but I'm wrong in myself.
It does not love to propagate and create a splendid film like a movie.
I love to remember.

So yesterday I told my boyfriend that I love you from my heart.
He is very happy I am happy now and
This idea of ​​the dream is much better. If I need any answers at any time in my life, I will adopt this method.
And everyone will say, try this method before sleeping. Find good results. Do not stop trying once, try again and again. Hope to find the answer.

Thanks to @nomad-magus. I’ll try to give my interpretation with your dream. According to me, you’re still love your Ex so much and still wait for him. But you didn’t want to look sad because that, so you tried to show that everything was fine. You have been tried to move on & left all of your sweet memories with him in the bus stop where you met. So there’s no memories again in your head.
Everyone didn’t understand what you feel. They cannot hear like a deafness. They felt that you are a stupid girl because you’re still love someone that left you for another girl, so they laughed for you.
You cannot forgot your Ex and still looking for everything that related with him. It’s so sick. You need more helper like a doctor in the hospital because your heart was broken. Everything like a dream. When you woke up, it’s like in a room with no people there. Finally, you need another boy to be your boyfriend. So, you’re not alone and din’t need a doctor again.

Such type of dream occurs either for physical unsatisfaction or mental unsatisfaction. You are in the deep depression for your recent breakup. The thing that makes you suffering is lack of self-confidence. Your subconscious mind sending you that massege by showing the deafness of your ex's mother. Due to break-up the message 'no one is there for me and I will not be able to bear any relationship anymore' has been settled in your mind.
Again I will describe the second portion of your dream as lack of self-confidence. You're trying to grab your chances by pulling the door but peoples laughing at you indicates thats. Running after useless things may make you loss your own useful things. So stop thinking about your ex and his girlfriend.
In the last portion, your dream pattern is changing rapidly. Because your subconscious mind is confused to set you to the place you belong according to your dream.
Over all your present relationship status is affecting you a lot. If you come out from the feeling of being lost everything your cofident level will grow and such dream will not come.

The bus stop might represent of your relationship being at the end and you are actually waiting for it to be resolved. You act like nothing and you are fine but deep inside you just wanted him back. Your family or friends might want you to move on with it and live your life but instead you choose to leave your priorities and you take setback to any things not concerning to it. You became deaf instantly and the door without the handle represents of how you are having a hard time moving on. The nail means you are hurting yourself and the people around you because of taking a setback from your priorities. Along the way you didn’t notice that you actually lost an important thing and that is your life. You are trying to find yourself again but you are just re directed to those memories that both of you shared. Being afraid of the illnesses might represent that you are now afraid of having relationship to any other man at the moment. You became a slave in your past and don’t wanna move on.

very nice post. tnx for shereing

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Amazing @nomad-magus

I ❤ @nomad-magus

please upvote me