There were 90 comments to the post I published about a contest, asking you to state whether or not you are lucky and why. 90% declared "yes, I am lucky" and the rest stated that they do not consider themselves to be lucky because they didn't believe in luck. I read each and every comment and story that you wrote and I wish that I would be able to meet you in person, sit, talk and interact with you. One day, maybe.
Credit: trophykits
Your comments allowed me to get to know more about you, your life-circumstances, your past experiences and future plans and provided a glimpse into your inner world. This info and wisdom from you not only inspire my sovereign domain but also will help me to shape my future posts. So, first things first,
Thank you, each and every one of you, for participating in the contest! 🧡
yes, yes, yes, I'm super lucky"!I will say it right away – you are lucky! Extremely lucky. Quoting @cryptosharon: "
The main reasons you gave for being lucky are these:
- Being just alive and able to experience and sense this physical reality
- Being healthy, overcoming severe illnesses
- Having the conditions to survive in this world
- Finding Steemit and getting noticed
- Having the right set of beliefs and attitudes that help cross the hardships of this world
Credit: joel-reas
However, have you thought why are you alive? Why some bigger force than you (god, the universe) has saved you from dying and keeps you alive? what's the reason for your living?
Exactly here, in the understanding of the reason for your life, you find the explanation for being such a lucky person. I have offered this contest as a build-up to a specific message I want to deliver.
Here is the number 1 reason for being a lucky person
While all the reasons you gave for being lucky are legitimate, wonderful and inspiring, they stem from the perspective of the human being. The limited human being who is preoccupied by the need to survive, to grow, to build a family, to make an income, to cross this life and reach the ending point, death.
You are lucky because you are given the chance in this lifetime to reunite with your soul self, to embody here, in the physical form, the essence of your true identity. You were born with this grand potential in your life's master plan and you are now at a pivotal time where you are called to fulfill this destiny. For the first time in human history, there is a way, an opportunity, for a large number of human beings to surpass the limited human condition and enlighten themselves. This is THE lifetime of all your lifetimes and you are here and now to do it. Finally. This is the ultimate lifetime you have been waiting for, the lifetime when you will become an embodied masters. If you so choose.The soul, your soul self, does not really care about the human conditions and daily routine life. The soul sees the bigger picture, the agenda of your life, the reason why your soul was bestowing on you this physical lifetime and why your soul has kept you alive by infusing you with energy and consciousness each day a new.
And this is the reason why you are super lucky.
The winner:
There was no answer that precisely touched the point so the first prize will not go to anyone. Nevertheless, there were a few answers that touched the notion, among which I chose the prominent:
Not the fate of the crystal ball, but the one that is inside us, the luck that is our calling, that we have to fulfill in order to be truly ourselves." Bravo!11 SBD go to @nolasco. The last line in her answer was the closets to my message and if she wrote only that line she might have won the first prize. "
@botefarm; @iamthegray - each receives 2 SBD
Congratulations to the winners. The prizes will be sent to your wallets within the next 24h.

So when you see them together just scream "CHEESE" and share the photo here. ... contest-630x350.jpg. The winners. We will have 3 winners. First winner 10 SBD; Second winner 5 SBD; Third winner 2 SBD. It is very easy. All you need to do is reply ... I am already excited to see your pets photos and wish you good luck :).
thank you so much sir...........
I have to say that i missed the contest by the big man simply because i was unaware buy that alone cannot stop from congratulating the winners in a special way. They have real done more than the rest who participated.
With the competence i have in contests am just warming up for the next in case the big man @nomad-mogus organizes one again.
Back to the real answers of from the contest, i agree with the organizer of the contest and in doing am also commenting on the fact that in life there are cardinal principles and dos we all have to hold sacrosanct as real life experiences for us to continually survive in the world. That is why we ought to count ourselves very lucky because of those untold gifts the Lord has installed in us and therefore, it is good thing to always to count ourselves very lucky.
Am lucky because of the continuous impartation of life changing knowledge from the big man and in doing this am closely following your footsteps because of the influence on this platform in terms of life changing knowledge, i have to say am lucky again for adding to the body of knowledge from your inspirations.
Your are a father to us @nomad mogus
Thank you my son 😉🙏
@nomad-magus, I am new here at steemit, searching for some real contest. And here I found your contest post. You people really doing an awesome job, for newbies like me.
I have always thought that each one of us has a mission, that it is not a family, that it is not a profession, that it is not making money for you and your children, I feel in a personal way, that our mission is spiritual, that what you can learn and share with others is your own learning, I have a love to learn and teach, sharing with other people makes me feel happy, I feel that it is my path, it is my path, it is my path of light and what makes my being nourished, I regret not having participated, just as if I think I am very lucky, I live and feel the rest is a consequence. Thanks again for this reading, good learning today.
Without knowing the exact circumstances of your life I'd say that your mission in this life is your enlightenment. The rest is the path to go there.
That sounds great! I told you yesterday that she seemed to be connected to you in some way, so your appreciation is very important to me, thank you very much for your kind comment.
yeah,,you are so lucky,,,and also a genius person,,I think you should thank god at first,,
Mubarrak @nomad-magus
check it if possible
I guess I'm still the luckiest to be reading about this contest for the first time after the results has been released... Smile
This is actually the 3rd post I would be reading from you, each of the 3 posts take me off the ground into the spiritual world. Your post search in to the spirit and soul of man not only the physical body.
I am the luckiest man ever liveth, how can I deny that feeling? How can I deny that fact that I'm luckiest when their are countless of souls depending on me for directions for their lives.
How can I say I am not lucky when I know I am created to bring solution to a specific problem in the world, no one can play my role, I cannot play the role of another as well.
I count myself lucky to be part of this generation.
I count myself lucky to be the only original me.
I am lucky! I am lucky!! I am lucky!!! I can scream it.... Lol
Wow I'm really happy for the winners of this contest. It wasn't an easy one though but you guys are just the lucky ones that were chosen. My very big thanks goes to @nomad-magus for organizing a free and fair contest. We all accept it in good fate. Have a nice day ahead sir
Excelente idea para construir el Blogg. Nada como interactuar con los seguidores.
No vi la encuesta pero creo que todos lo que estamos ahora en steemit socializando y ganado dinero somos afortunados d construir algo diferente para las futuras generaciones... Un abrazo.
Congratulations to the winners. I agree and I think we should be satisfied with what we have because there are people in this world who don't even have food.
Even though I completely missed the point, I still feel lucky 🍀 when it comes to physical point. And yes, we are all extremely lucky, no matter who you are, no matter if you have a hunch or you are healthy person. Looking forward to your future eye opening posts and amazing 😉 contests. Cheers 🥂 everyone!
Its was really very good and useful contest, I really very happy for these two winners and congrats for winning the prize. And better good luck for others like me and try to the next time, well its was a good post, Thanks for sharing with us. Thank you.
Wow wow wow...there was a co test and I had no idea? Where the heck was I? I wish this would be a continuous things because I can't wait to enter the next contest. I love you blog sir and how much you are an inspiration to me.
A big congrats to all those who won the sbd giveaway are indeed all lucky and blessed.
really its so fentastic contest,,likely awesome no doubt..
its a life experimental question ..
congrates @nolasco. for your fentastic answare,,great !!! congrates all winner ,,also @nomad-magus sir
Thanks so much :))!
our life in this world must god already set our own life "in this world, mate is already god of love to us all so we do not need to panic we live in this world .. what people" rich in this world happy for them, he was glad when he died buried in the ground, there is not a shit our rich price in this world friend "..
Congratulations @nolasco . She deserve this first prize. I read your entry and your blog.... Also congrats @botefarm and @iamthegray... You also doing well ... It was a great initiative contest. @nomad-magus
Thanks kindly :))
Congratulations to the winners, - I'm so surprised! There were a ton of great entries - i read them all. Thanks to @nomad-magus for running the contest - Such a great opportunity you're offering with these contests - I'm still trying to figure things out on the platform and every upvote means a whole lot to me.
Congratulations to the winners.
That,s CoOl :) great contest!
I will participate.
it was so marvelous contest based on lucky and why???
really life based article ,,no dout it was deeply thinking..
thanks for contest
congrates winnerdear @nomad-magus sir
Congratulations to all winner and thanks sir @nomad-magus for arranging the awesome contest. We are earnestly waiting for more interesting contest.
sir @nomad-magus,
At first i congrats to the winners. Your contest was really so interesting, These contest brings people's feelings. These way we can know about others feelings. Keep sharing sir. You are really great sir.
Hello Sir, @nomad-magus
At first congratulation to the winners. It's really a great contest sir. Keep going sir.
Wishing you all the best sir.
Congratulations to the winners. @nomad-magus, I agree with you completely that THIS life is the one that we have to make the most of. I do believe in the afterlife, and I am completely sure that I will spend it with my God to eternity.
yes....l'm lucky because I can meet friends at steemit community :)
Oh too bad I didn’t win but I’m not giving up, yeah I’m a fighter and consistency wins the challenge they say
Congratulations to the winner! :) We're all lucky, I am lucky I have meet you on this platform @nomad-magus and I am happy I am learning from your posts. Thank you. :)
The winners are really lucky...Congratulations !
Thank you for that. @nomad-magus, your explanation for the choice were also in details and contribute to each of the participants to understand more about luck and fate..I think !
congratulations to the winners. and who have not won do not despair. while the sun still shines. there is still a chance to win.
Congratulations to the winners.
I also attend this contest but I saw your comments. Your story is so good. You are the best.
Thanks @nomad-magus for such a great contest.
congrates all winner
thanks @nomad-magus sir for great contest
Thank you so much @nomad-magus! :) Even if i didn't win in the contest, i still feel like the luckiest now. :) Hehe :) Thank you so much for your help. I really appreciate it! :) My boyfriend wants to say thank you to you too. hehe :)
please allow me to convey my congratulations to those winners of the last contest both in who win the second and also the first price. I am happy to see you all get lucky, because I am the super lucky. maybe next is my time. steemit is wonderful. thanks.
What a lucky girl I am, see :))?
Congrats to the winners, and you, my friend, stay blessed!Aw, what a wonderful surprise, @nomad-magus! I agree with you and feel joy in seeing Steemit has people like you to remind us we are nothing without our soul self. That's what I mean by being our calling.
Thanks so much!
Congratulations to the lucky ones as elected. The right choice, they deserve it.
Thanks a lot
And congratulations to @nolasco and @botefarm
Your contest did make me think a lot though
And yeah, we're super lucky
Hello, I am inviting you to join my Sunset Photography contest.
Link here > Best Sunset Photo using Smartphone - Contest
You can also upvote this post to help street children of Manila. Don't worry this is not a spam, I pick it manually and encouraging steemians to join my contest. Thank you and God Bless.
your story reef is very fun @ nomad-mag .. I think we die it must be we wait, if the dream I never dreamed that dream because the dream is a demon that interfere with our minds only. I am not lucky at all :)
Congratulations to the winners. Hope to be an encouragement for the fore.
Hope someday my name will be among the winners.
Alright! Congratulations to the winners! :)
Plagiarising part of a post for your comment is not cool.