Lol! The five wives' charming tushies are like bottomless infested black holes -- in the most scientific & cosmological way, of course!
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Lol! The five wives' charming tushies are like bottomless infested black holes -- in the most scientific & cosmological way, of course!
You could definitely put it that way, yes. I even put a hidden anagram into the thing to match the ornamental design.
Hahah, yes, now that you mention it it is obvious! When I saw the name is seemed a bit.. weird, like some Spanish Elven prince, arohas amigo! His lord father, Gil-Karoh Syn'tasee would approve of his son mingling with five tushies, I am sure...
I have been a bit ill, so my work speed has been painstakingly slow, but I haven't forgotten the Frozen Yoghurtoth. Right now though I want to make Gil-Arohas-Tene and his lord father.
You cannot forget the Yoghurtoth, no matter how hard you try. When the stars are right, its eldritch logo will appear through your actions. We have all the time in the world...
True words!