1.weight 50 g
2.weight 50 g @codingdefined, @clumsysilverdad,
Dice roll 2Round 2 with double their original weight (their weight is 100 g now).. The fight has been short and deadly. One of @clumsysilverdad’s first bites caused @codingdefined to bleed badly from their belly. Luckily no shark has picked up the scent of blood in the water. @codingdefined has quickly bled out and their tiny minnow body slowly started to sink down. It didn’t have time to reach the bottom, however. @clumsysilverdad ate it all up voraciously and cleanly, including tiny soft fish bones and even guts. Grinning as much as their small minnow mouth would allow, @clumsysilverdad swims happily to
I have been training and in top physical form. It's now or never! (-:
All your training has obviously paid off, @clumsysilverdad! Not so clumsy after all, eh? ;)
Hell yes! ... good luck @codingdefined, i'm sure your fish next contest will kick some fin (-:
Ohh better luck next time, but had given a good fight :P