in #contest9 years ago

Tell me what plants are in the pictures, and win STEEM! I’ve spent the past couple weeks sharing about some of the various wild edibles that grow naturally in many locations. Now is your chance to get a STEEM TOKEN for properly identifying a wild edible plant, just because I want to reward my followers and those in the steemit community.

Before I show you the pictures, let’s go over the rules.

  • Posted below are some pictures, each with a corresponding number.

  • The pictures have edible wild plants in them.

  • If you reply with a picture # and the name of a wild edible shown in that picture, I will transfer 1 STEEM Token to you.

  • There are 5 different edible plants pictured that have already been covered in my THE EDIBLE OUTDOORS series.

  • There are 5 STEEM Tokens available for this contest, 1 each for each Edible.

  • Only one correct answer will be allowed per user, and only one guess per reply.

  • Each photo may have more than one edible wild plant in it.

  • The first correct answer for each plant wins.

EXAMPLE: Reply – “Picture 1 – Passionfruit?”

Here’s the photos, have fun!




Thanks for playing - @papa-pepper

ALSO, if you need help,

Here's previous THE EDIBLE OUTDOORS posts:


#1 Wood Sorrel

WINNER #3 - PHOTO #1 Does Contain Common Yellow Wood Sorrel - I'll transfer the STEEM token to you now. Please confirm delivery.

There are still 2 STEEM tokens available for photo #3.

Got it thanks papa


I did get my steem papa thanks

Thank you for confirming, and for playing.

Photo 2 has a dandelion which is completely edible and even good for you.

WINNER #1 - PHOTO #2 - Does Contain Dandelion - I'll transfer the STEEM Token to you now.

There are still four STEEM to giveaway.

Sorry it took so long @papa-pepper, didn`t know how to work the wallet. The token you sent did indeed come! Thank you!

Please confirm delivery.

Photo #3 - Lamb's Quarters

WINNER #5 - Photo #3 Also Has Lambs Quarters in it. CONGRATULATIONS!

I will send you your STEEM token now. Please confirm delivery.

#3 is urtica!

Yes, Urtica Diotica is one of the plants featured in Photo #3. However, it also goes by "Stinging Nettle" and I have already got my 5 winners. GOOD TRY @teamsteem, and thanks for playing. Have you ever tried eating Urtica or making tea out of it. It is one of my favorite teas.

Nope I never tried stinging nettle tea but I will! Thank you for the recommendation.

It's almost like having a vitamin pill and energy drink all in one delicious tea that sort of tastes like Oolong Tea.

Hey papa # 1 is lambs Quarters. #2 plantain # 3 nettle

WINNER #2 - PHOTO #2 - Also Contains Plantain - I'll transfer the STEEM Token to you now. Please confirm delivery.

There are still three STEEM to give away for photos #1 & #3.

pic 3 , Stinging Nettle

WINNER #4 - PHOTO #3 Does Contain Stinging Nettle.

I will transfer your STEEM token to you now. Please confirm delivery.


Got it, thank you very much.

You are welcome! THANKS FOR PLAYING, and Congratulations!

Well I see clover, grass, and can't figure out number three. Love this idea and copy/pasted the link to Jeannie who is the 'source' on gardening. I will let you know what she came up with (she will be joining Steemit soon). Great post..

You can check the list posted below for valid guesses.

#3 hemps

List of valid guesses is located at the end of the post.

Photo 3:
looks like that's a bean plant in the background. Some kind of green bean. Blue lake beans?

Check the list of plants in the post links at the bottom of the post for valid answers. You can even click on them quick to get some images to compare to picture 3. I need another winner and was hoping to get one before I go to bed.

Photo #3 has Wild Violet or Latin name Viola papilionacea

DO I get a bonus for identifying Photo #1 with the correct Latin name? ;-) Oxalis.

each plant has already been identified and all winners have been chosen. Good job on the latin name for Wood Sorrel, you are correct there. Photo #3 is actually Lambs Quarters and Stinging Nettle against a backdrop of Kiwano vines, whose leaves in this picture do look similar to the Wild Violet. Thanks for playing though and keep up the good work.Nice work @gardenlady, but

As they say....A day late and a dollar short ;-)

We will see what happens next time. ;-)