People of the Night Discord Invite Contest

in #contest7 years ago

We're back and this time with a contest! Who's in? The contest is simple. Invite people to our Discord server! It's a community effort to bring people together and I want you guys to join in on it as well.


  • Retrieve a non-expiring invite link from the #general text channel from our Discord server.
  • Invite as many people as possible to our Discord with the invite link you just got.
  • Invites from more than one invite link will also be counted.
  • Do not invite the same individual more than once or you will be disqualified.
  • The prize will be given out to the winner when this post has payed out.

Click HERE to join our Discord server, People of the Night.

The winner will receive 1 SBD as prize.

I know it isn't much but considering how we have close to no real audience and to do this more often we need the audience which we are hoping to bring in maybe through this post. Or the next. Or the one after that!

This is all we can afford as of now and I hope you understand!

If you want more from us then check us out at @peopleofthenight


i dont know why discort is a mess to many people

You can customize notifications on Discord as you please. Mute channels you don't want to receive messages from or mute whole servers as well.

But yeah, I have no idea why either