I wish I could attend the meetup and launching of the Uyo Stach hub today but unfortunately due to circumstances beyond me, I could not. I am sure there are lots of other people with such desires too but couldn't also.
Well, I am particularly doing this giveaway with respect to all that @ejemai is doing all around nigeria, it's a milestone and I celebrate his great vision alot.
Yes, so I decided to give out a customized shirt on which the winner of this contest will have his or her name printed on it before delivery. It's a short contest and will last on for 72hours from the time of posting this.
How to participate?
- Be a Nigerian, that resides in any city in nigeria
- Resteem this post, not compulsory you upvote it
- In the comment section of this post, creatively make a sentence that has this four(4) words in it: "stach", "hub", "@ejemai" and "impact"...... Please note, all four words in one sentence
- At the end of your comment, nominate another steemian that should participate, just by typing, I nominate @phait for instance
The most captivating sentence will be picked by @ejemai himself
The winner of the contest will be announced after 72hours from posting this.
Special thanks to @ejemai for this great inspiration and I appreciate @tojukaka, @surpassinggoogle, @fisteganos,@gbenga,@destinysaid and others for consistently giving their best to help the nigeria community grow.
Have fun participating everyone
Baba God, as @ejemai make impact wey the whole house day try rhyme him name with Stach and Hub, abeg do my own too
I nominate @mfunbee
Through the stach hub, @ejemai has made a lot of positive impact on Nigerian Steemians.
I nominate @xtrim
Hmmmm nice one .
The initiative of the stach hub by @ejemai is contributing a major impact is the lives of steemians and the community at large.
I nominate @olawalium
Yes is true. I too nominate @olawalium
Hahahahah you've added "A" to the last letter of @ejemai(lol). Just pulling your leg dear. Nice one dear.
Lol...thank you, was too excited.
@ejemai creating the stach hub has been of great impact to steemians.....
I nominate @adejoke16
Wonderful. @ejemai is really a true role model on the platform.
I can't deny that, @ejemai is a role model worthy of emulation no doubt! @optimistdehinde
I wrote this in my post days back - Steem Accelerator Hub (STACH) through the leadership and selfless effort of @ejemai, have had great impact in my life and thousands of people. We appreciate you always and I nominate @ilukzymoore
Well said bro.
Thanks, you are a steem-mentor too. I see u soon as a steemillionaire.
Amen. I believe and receive that
Yes we do, i know these hubs will move mountains in the steemit growth environment...nice 1 @ejemai
The starch hub initiative by @ejemai has made tremendous impact. I norminate @olamike
Good one.
so many minnow and more would not have seen the brighter side and offline connectivity and empowerment on steemit if not for impactstach hub of what @ejemai has and is doing through the birth of
I nominate @ifioklee
Wow! Faith this is such a laudable activity! On behalf of whoever wins this, I must say a big thank you, you have indeed become a worthy ambassador of the Stach community. So very proud of you. Here's my entry sentence using the words "stach", "hub", "@ejemai" and "impact";
I honestly can't wait to meet @ejemai and his superb team of guys because of the ongoing, indelible and amazing impact they are making on the Nigerian Steemit community especially through their nationwide Stach Hub creation initiative! I nominate @oluwoleolaide
You guys are the 'bestest'! Cheers!
indelible lol, i give it to you. Thanks and stay awesome.Hi @Mosunomotunde, I dig your comment and although i had to use the dictionary to look up
Hahahahaha, seriously?! I'm so glad I showed you a new word oo. Imagine me showing something new to the man who keeps showing all of us something new! Thanks a million @ejemai... I love your passion, your energy, your focus and your largeness if heart. You are indeed special. Cheers!
I nominate @starryakpanThe stach hub project of @ejemai is already transforming lives and creating lasting impact in the city of Uyo, Nigeria.
Nice initiative
It's only @ejemai that puts the stach in the hub.
Hubs have been created, but none has had such an amazing impact on society than The Stach
The Hub in Uyo being the second stach project to be launched, has fostered unity amongst Nigerians and I see the Youths decentralising the offline and giving the government a reason to rethink and rebuild our great nation. project @ejemai is spreading across Nigeria.
God bless @ejemai and his team for such an amazing platform which is bringing untalented-adjustments to the world.
I nominate @gnomicrules to join.
I c u, waiting for u
Not participating but just supporting this idea. Will upvote the first five entries or comments.Nice one @phait. This is so good. Good to give back always. Resteemed already. PROUD OF YOU BRO.
Baba God, as @ejemai make impact wey the whole house day try rhyme him name with Stach and Hub, abeg do my own too
I nominate @mfunbee
This is a really good one phait.
Fantastic !!!
No word could adequately do justice to describe the impact being made by @ejemai with the stach hub initiative which i totally buy into because of the long term effect it will have on the community at large. I nominate @kingsolo.
No word could adequately do justice to describe the impact being made by @ejemai with the stach hub initiative which i totally buy into because of the long term effect it will have on the community at large. I nominate @kingsolo.
What shall it profit a man to commend 'impact' without using what @ejemai is doing for the community through 'stach hub' as a yardstick?
I nominate @dhayor
Ha! What about other Nigerians resident in other countries ko da oooo. Knocked out already..... I'm just kidding boss
@ejemai your impact is felt not only in Nigeria alone but all over the world. We are proud of you... @phait thanks for the support bigger you boss
The Steemit Accelerator Hub-STACH founded by @ejemai has been of resounding impact to all steemians in and around Nigeria.
I'm in uyo and I'll just use this opportunity to thank @ejemai for ever thinking of making and impact and working towards it, Stach hub is an evidence. Congratulations to us. I Nominate @ubongj
The birth of STACH powered hub through the initiative of @ejemai has not only had positive impact on the life of steemians but it has helped in decentralising the offline.
I nominate @davidekpin
very good steem on
Stach Hub has being of great impact to Nigerians, thanks @ejemai
This is lovely o. Nice one @phait
And also guys i think you guys should find out the meaning of stach ,so you don't place stach and hub together,lol.sounds funnyWow, @phait ,this is really interesting though ,its fun . Great job
The indefatigable @ejemai is inspiring young Nigerians by giving them financial opportunities to leverage on through the remarkable Stach project which aims at establishing magnificent hub in most Nigerian cities, thereby creating a lasting impact on Steemians and the society at large.
I nominate @tudors
STACH has created impact by giving steemit-uyo community a hub.
Sir @ejemai of I nominate @nexrules for this contest
stach who has made great impact on various lives and given us a wonderful hub.Am grateful to God for giving us @ejemai,the founder of
I nominate @enoye
In all the time I've heard of accomplishment..This is one of the greatest...
@ejemai has not only had a positive impact through the initiation of stach hub, he has also given the youth a better definition and imagination of the future.
I nominate @biggijay
@ejemai , thank you for being a role model on steemit