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RE: Sotall Prize Pool #1B – If money were no object, what off grid item would you buy?

in #contest7 years ago

I would buy an ebike with a trailer attachment and solar panels to charge it with. I've never owned a car in my life, and haven't the stamina to traditional bicycle. I once inquired with RealGoods as kind of a vague, ballpark inquiry if there was some way to buy a setup I could sit on my apartment balcony and charge an ebike with. Yes - for a couple grand. Plus another grand for a good ebike. Ouch!
It would be so worth it to have transport, though, rather than walking everywhere or paying absurd bus fares I can't afford, either (a monthly local pass -which doesn't cover going further into the burbs - costs $100; fare to just go to the grocery store and back is over $5). Ergo ...I walk a lot of miles!