Dr. Igwe well done, abeg lemme try in your maiden contest.
Ok, magic is an illusion performed to give "the appearance" of the supernatural. While a miracle is actually the manifestation of the supernatural power of God.
Magic is done to give an appearance and an illusion, its nothing substantial and authentic but a miracle on the other hand where I'd like to dwell on is a manifestation and revelation of the undeniable power of God. It is done for men to see God's power and God is always involved.
In John 11:42, we see Jesus manifesting the glory of God in a miracle for men to believe Him and God was involved. It is a result of a divine connection with God. In John 5:19-20, we Jesus again showing us that the miracles He wrought is an expression of the love of God to Him and the power of God through Him so that men may believe.
In contrast, let me give a quick example of magic from Acts 8:9-11, where it talks about a certain man, Simon who "bewitched" the people with sorceries i.e. magic and was taken to be the great power of God.
To avoid starting a Bible study, abeg lemme stop here. Thank you
Shout out to the judges abeg
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