I would love to but your entry is not valid yet :(Hola @jadams2k18,
- Choose minimum 1 up to maximum 5 numbers of my ticket and add one number between 1 and 50 that is not on my ticket
At least one number should from my ticket. Please edit your comment.
Google translate:
- Elija un mínimo de 1 hasta un máximo de 5 números de mi boleto y agregue un número entre 1 y 50 que no esté en mi boleto
Al menos un número debe de mi boleto. Por favor, edita tu comentario.
I'm so silly, I apologize for not reading quite well your post
I edited my comment, I'm gonna use 2 numbers, 02 and 27 and I'm gonna add 13
Thanks for the clarification :D
Papa needs new shoes XD
No problem at all!
This is contest number 43 and I can assure you that you are not the first ;)
Thanks and good luck!!!
Let's get papa new shoes ;)