Hi @dkid14,
the downvoting stopped after some whales explained to them that the positive impact of HSBI is much bigger than the negative (reward pool draining).
Also, they explained that it is contra-productive (some used less diplomatic words) to give heavy downvotes to (especially new users) who are experimenting with HSBI for some engagement and that they should focus one real reward pool drainers.
So after that, they agreed to stop the downvoting but mentioned that they are afraid that heavy SBI sponsoring would start again.
And guess what - they are now upvoting these posts for the curation rewards just before SBI hits.
These upvotes are small and well-timed.
Thanks a lot for your continuous support! I really appreciate that!
Good luck and
This is some of the best news I have heard in a long time.
Yes, indeed.
We are all happy about it.