same thing with me -- I didn't noticed you hold a contest, until I saw @joyrobinson's post. so, here is my entry. I shoot this portrait directly as bw (no conversion was used afterwards). 6 years ago I spent 3 weeks in a child camp at the Ladoga skerries, having absolutely outstanding, intelligent, memorable folks around. I turned to bw and was shooting only bw shots, preferrably portraits of these people, for about a week. this is part of that crop.
speaking about this person, I better use Russian - это удивительный человек, языкознатец, лингвист, филолог, с устоявшимся набором странностей и привычек. прекраснейшим образом, он щедро радовал нас всевозможными историями из своей насыщенной случаями жизни. на этой карточке я снял его завтрак, состоящий из кофе, бутера и яичка в мешочке.
I hope you enjoyed both legend and photo. ps. forgot the gear bit: I used canon 350d + 50mm 1.4 (as always)
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token. Enjoy it! Hey @qwerrie, here is your