Today's package.
We don't have a winner yet, so it is time for another and final clue for #guessmynewcamera. And this should really help you narrow it down! Tomorrow will be the ultimate reveal and I just hope that I can give away this price!
If, based on this extra hint (and the incorrect answers in the current comments), you finally figured out what the answer is: change your guess!!
Don't forget to check my previous hints in part 1, part 2 and part 3!
So go on, head to the contest post and put in the comments the camera (brand & model) and the zoom-lens that you think I bought.
Good choice! :)
It's a Sony!!!!
Wait what? How can you tell? ;)
I was born with the sight!! rofl
You shouldn't be allowed to play these games...ruining it for everybody! ;)
So it's NOT a Polaroid?
warm :)
For the second time in a day, I feel this is the right GIF for you.
I was just trying to help here ;)