This has inspired me to think about an ongoing freewrite and the first idea that leapt into my sleep-deprived mind was of a narrator/character trapped inside a perpetual trail of freewrite prompts. The action of each swinging wildly from conflicting genres, like scifi to period drama, or serious literary fiction to irreverent comedy. At the beginning of each freewrite a small recap of the last one and a finishing sentence/twist from the preceding setting followed by a moment of massive existential crisis as our narrator wrestles with the change of setting. Ha ha, ok I have convinced myself, I will try this out for a week and see how it goes. Thanks for the inspiration @freewritehouse, I have been wallowing in watering hole of none-inspiration for the last 3 days :-( Maybe the drought is over :-)
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2 raj808
You are in! So happy that we inspired you to do something new and hope it will be giving you the inspiration you are looking for. (mw)
I do so want to read this!! Brilliant idea!
Thanks for the encouragement I don't usually link drop like this but as you said you wanted to check it out here is the first installment of my serialized freewrites:
Thank you!