garple (v.) - to attempt to gargle something, but then to accidentally choke and spit it all over the place.
I went for the Listerine this morning and garpled it all over my cat. We're both still recovering. Send help.
garple (v.) - to attempt to gargle something, but then to accidentally choke and spit it all over the place.
I went for the Listerine this morning and garpled it all over my cat. We're both still recovering. Send help.
I upvoted this one for the sentence. lol
Hey, I'll take every upvote I can get! Thanks.
The truth is out there, lol.
It was a good definition to but the sentence was such a visual.
The proof is in the pudding! Hope I don't garple on that pudding.
Whaaat! That is so excellent. I'd like to thank my producer, my cat, my overactive gag reflex, and Listerine brand antiseptic mouthwash.
They don’t thank you back. Lol. Except maybe your cat. Well done.
I'm calling 3-1-1 right now! Don't Garple again.
3/10 would not garple again.
Well sometimes you just can’t help garpling and whoever is around is in danger, lol.