I can't believe you actually convinced me to come along with you to the beach. I would have preferred to spend the day wrapped in blankets seeing a movie with a bowl of popcorn, Nina said. Get in the car and stop complaining, we're going to have fun and then you're going to thank me for dragging you out.
Nina could hardly say no to her best friend Rita. They had been friends for so long and people actually thought they were siblings.
Finally we arrive, I thought we were never going to get here with the speed you were driving. You know you drive like my grandma, Rita said. Whatever, replied Nina.
Once at the beach, they were having their drinks and sunbathing when all of a sudden, the sky turned red. Everyone started to panic. What are we going to do? Rita asked in a shaky voice. Nina dragged Rita by the hand and they headed for their car. At this point, Nina wished she stayed home and had never agreed to come to the beach. They drove as fast as they could, the whole thing was starting to look like a scene in a horror movie.
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