And Jhon said, Ooh thank you very much! Please forgive me for the past I did not know what I was doing or saying but with this opportunity I am going to change and the millionaire told him that is what I wanted to hear, you are going to do my right hand.
Over time the millionaire already had 3 companies in Dubai and Jhon with his effort and work he already had his own company but this time he was not avaricious, he contributed with many charities of homeless children, his company based on the creation of the software whose name was Inter, who was already known by many countries, but who loved her the most, was offered to Jhon by his company 700 million dollars, but he did not want to sell it because it was the only company he had created since its inception and also He wanted to leave his children who were only 13 and 8 years old at the time and did not accept the offer.
After the time the lucky millionaire already had his family, 3 children, but one of them unfortunately was born with defects in his bones, the millionaire with his millions started a center of attention that only was dedicated to seek the cures of all the diseases of osteoporosis and with the help of Jhon they built it, it was a success to help her son and millions of people it was not very expensive to pay medical attention because it only cost 100 dollars.
Years later Jhon's son was already a man, he was ready to be the new president of Inter shortly after being the new president had already fired half the company, Jhon had to come from his retirement to solve the problem, Jhon says to your son, what are you doing? And the son says to him: I do not want to spend my money paying some parasites and Jhon said to him, do not think like that, I thought just like you in my youth and for thinking like that I broke the company that my father inherited, at the time of my being In the broken bank I was hired by a millionaire who in the past was an indigent and one day he asked me for some coins and I did not give it to him as a covetous man and he became a millionaire and he hired me as his right hand and told me these words: "A salary it does not impoverish or enrich, but what impoverishes you is what you do not offer "And Jhon said, do not be miserly son those people deserve an opportunity and the son said, ok father I will change my way of thinking in order to have a better future and I'm going to hire those people so they can prosper, thank you for telling me these words father, John went to spend his retirement in Canada with his wife, the lucky millionaire spent time in Venezuela and then went to live in France with his wife and then he sold his companies.
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