SteemIT Rap Challenge LOGO Contest Extended One More Week! - Get in Your Submissions to win 100SBD + split post payout

in #contest8 years ago

Last week i started a contest for graphic designers on SteemIT to create a new #rapchallenge logo.

We had a few submissions and they were great! But a contest is not a contest if it only has a few contestants, so i've decided to extend the contest one more week. I know some people may have missed this contest so i want to give all you guys a chance to win some SBD and let me see some dope designs!

The Rules

  • Upvote and resteem this post
  • Create an original logo design for the Rap Challenge
  • Digital Art Only
  • Give it a Hip-Hop feeling
  • No more than 3 entries per person. Preferably just one.
  • Post your logo design as a comment on this post
  • Have fun!



Here is the original post, you can see the entries we have so far in the comments.

If you are a good graphic designer, join the contest and get a chance to win BIG! Most contests won't offer this much SBD and a split of the post rewards too! I love sharing and giving, so show me some good designs, peace and bliss everyone!


If you enjoy my blog, please vote for me as a witness

Goto the URL below, scroll down and type in my name rondonson and click "Vote"





There you go, i hope i wasn't late (heard of the contest just today)

Rap challenge.jpg

Rap challenge (Inverted transparent).jpg

I'm about to make you the dopest logo, stay tuned. @rondonson

Fellas check out my logo in the below comment!

Here you go bro


In the meantime please check out my new rap album "Black Nobility" for free stream and comment on my Nes Bandit logo:

Nes Bandit Logo v1.jpg

nes bandit logo.png

you posting your own music and your own information on my post will literally get you nowhere on SteemIT. Peace man

Ha well hello to you too. Seeing that this is a thread about rap challenges and logos with a week extension before rapping is even being judged, why not showcase my raps and logos? Does that hurt your feelings much? Does not lose me anything.

Man you can't promote in other's posts. Goes against the etiquette in this community.