Meet CASPIAN one place to manage ALL your assets.

in #contest6 years ago (edited)

Let's change the cryptocurrency adoption

Around the world many adopt cryptocurrencies as a way of investment or business. Currently there is a large trade involving cryptocurrencies, every time there are more people investing in this market and more companies working with it. Since last year the asset market has been in constant growth, so this helps change in the current market guiding it in this way to a high growth in volume.


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Problems with the current market

Currently the market that includes cryptocurrencies as assets is growing explosively, it is impressive how many digital wallets there are and the number of people and corporations that work with them. In fact, for many people, the cryptocurrency market or the investment of them has become a main job. On the other hand, although the market grows daily this does not mean that it does not face several challenges, on the contrary, it has several obstacles to overcome.

The cryptocurrency market is not an impulsive world, it is one of understanding, of study, of preparation, experience, security and time, a long time. Why emphasize time? Because it is one of the most used factors when working with cryptocurrency investments, since as is known in the world there are thousands of cryptocurrencies, therefore there are thousands of investment opportunities, which leads the person or corporation to have to investigate or see many web pages at the same time to find out how each of your wallets, to see how much profit or so much loss they had, is not such a nice task to enter so many servers. On the other hand the corporations although several already work with cryptocurrencies, not all of them want to take the step because it is a rather tedious and annoying task to have to check each website of each investment, to see how the market is, among other things.

There are three specific problems to attack at present with respect to the market that involve cryptocurrencies.

* Unreliable Trade Execution

Everyone has access to servers, virtual wallets among other things, which is quite good, anyone can benefit from it, but what happens if all the people and corporations that invest or work with cryptocurrencies enter at the same time platform? You can collapse the servers, you have to remember that this happens since you should check many platforms and not just one, this to know how the assets are behaving. This leads to a problem of lack of reliability in the execution with respect to the commercial market, since investments and everything related to cryptocurrencies may be in danger due to some human error when going from server to server to know how they are assets at the moment or that the platform does not resist the fact of so much movement at the same time, since it is more than one person is entering to review their data.

* Lack of Security

Security is something of the utmost importance and even more so when it comes to investments, be it in common money or cryptocurrencies, security is a sensitive issue. Investors are aware of the risks that take place at the moment of exchanges. They are vulnerable to hacking. The fact that the number of exchanges is so high currently lowers the field of security and therefore people are more exposed, traditional platforms separately do not have the ability to offer 100% security to all their customers.

* Lack of Reporting and Compliance

In any field it is very important to stay informed and trust, even more so when it comes to investments and the task is complicated when the information coming from the cryptocurrency market is necessary. In virtual investments, trust in the management of this virtual currency is very important, apart from that there is another incredibly useful and necessary aspect, the reporting of the movements of the cryptocurrency. Currently the cryptocurrency markets are heavily worked, that is why investors should be monitoring their movements frequently, with the lack of a tool to do so, they only do it simultaneously in each platform, this makes it a tedious, forced task, subject to a human error and without leaving aside that it is necessary to involve time to this task, that is why the report and confidence in the cryptocurrency market is a weak point even today.

Virtual commerce is in constant development, which is why it seeks to improve the investment and movement experience more and more. It is very important to have the necessary tools to work the cryptocurrencies in a comfortable way and in this way that is much more productive.

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Why does Caspian have the answers?

The cryptocurrency market faces certain challenges that must be addressed from now on so that the experience of cryptocurrency investments is more efficient so that large corporations and more people take a step towards the future by managing everything from a virtual wallet.



The Caspian platform can have the answers to the great challenges of the virtual currency market.

Caspian is an ecosystem designed to solve the problems facing crypto investors using a single, user-friendly interface. It achieves this by providing sophisticated connectivity and interoperability across various digital asset exchanges. Caspian is expected to drive further growth in digital asset participation on the part of institutional and experienced investors.


In 2018, there is already a platform to respond to the challenges facing the cryptocurrency market. This is Caspian, this website is in charge of encompassing all the cryptocurrencies with which the person or corporation is working and in this way by ONLY ONE platform to handle them all. Caspian works as an intermediary between the user and all his investments, therefore it is no longer necessary for the server to collapse by entering several pages at the same time, that task is forgotten, as in the past there is a lack of security and reports, because through this platform you can safely monitor all the movements of cryptocurrencies, without ignoring that you can reinvest and work from a single web page, the future is here, the comfort closest to you.
It is important to mention that Caspian does not seek to compete or destroy any type of exchange platform, just wants to give the user a set of very useful tools to make life easier for him and the server as such, since there would not be so many problems for multiple simultaneous entries.

The core of Caspian

Caspian focuses on four main areas to put into operation a system of tools for cryptocurrency investors, so that ONLY ONE platform can handle all the assets that the client has.



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How will having access to all your portfolios in one place make it more convenient to manage assets?

The work with investment of cryptocurrencies was a heavy task, since we must be alert of all the movements of each investment, that is why not all of them adopt this more updated modality of monetary exchange.

Even today you can see that phenomenon, the fact that certain people or corporations do not take the step to update the work with digital assets, since it can not monitor all the currencies at the same time. That is no longer a problem, because Caspian has come to generate an impact since you can access all the virtual wallets from a single platform, without losing more time or collapsing the server, from one place you can handle each investment action and movements of digital currencies, also has the necessary tools to contribute to the confidence and security of the client. This generates a change in the cryptocurrency market, since Caspian has more people and corporations that can adapt this type of exchange and the organization of their work with greater tranquility

Products to improve the virtual market experience

Caspian offers a number of products, which serve as tools for the user, so that they would respond to the challenges facing the virtual currency market.


OEMS: Its acronym indicates Command Execution Management System, so it is part of the organization of the system interface, that is why this tool allows among other things to customize the market data, order direct access, generate audit reports .


PMS: Its acronym indicates Portfolio Management System, as its name indicates this tool is responsible for the management of your virtual wallet in each asset in movement, among its benefits can be mentioned: Real-time monitoring of positions in exchanges and portfolios and customize the views in the portfolios


Compliance: "If compliance is a headache, you’re not doing it right!" In the world of investments, trust is a very important point, which is why Caspian offers this tool, which among other things allows: authorized users can configure new compliance controls and the complete audit trail for each order is available in any moment.


Risk Management: Whenever money is involved it is logical that there are risks of loss or theft, that is why Caspian offers a specific tool for that aspect, giving the user a more secure layer in their exchanges, so that among other things the client can Monitor the risks of your history in real time.


Reporting: Whenever you need it Caspian has a report of all the movements in real time, so that the user can be updated and updated of each movement of their assets, jointly without entering many platforms, without mentioning that generates reports on Orders, Executions, Positions, P & L, Exposure


Algorithms: Caspianhas a high algorithmic technology, the necessary to offer a safe and organized experience, at the level of the topic that is being treated, this being due to the monetary investment of assets.


All products source
For more information on the Key Features of each product enter here

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Everything is in your hands through Caspian

There is nothing better than having control over the things that are important for a person, even more so if money is involved, that is why Caspian allows the user to have control over their assets through the platform as it sets limits and the user You can configure alerts yourself.

What is the benefit of being able to set limits and alerts?

The two specific limits offered by Caspian are:

Pre-trade limits: These limits can be simple or complex, in general terms these limits can delay the execution order until the compliance check is complete.

There are three levels to the limits: warning limits, which can be overridden by the user; approval limits, which require a supervisor to approve the order before it can be sent to market; and absolute limits, which cannot be overridden.

Post-trade limits: As its name indicates it is after the treaty and this limit is responsible for sending alerts, monitoring and asset reports, these are sent to the user by email or other mechanisms already scheduled or at the time of the event.

According to the post-trade limit the user can configure alerts, these alerts are very useful, the client can configure the way in which they appear or in the way they will be sent, in this way the user has the freedom to define the alerts of Likewise, if these are a warning, combining indicators, order parameters, position data or market data.
The benefit in this lies in the fact that the user has even more power over the monitoring of their assets, Caspian offers several tools to handle them in the best way and one of these are the limits and alerts that go hand in hand. The limits in any context are important and Caspian indicates them in a way of ectra security layer since they can even delay the execution order of the movement of the assets since the conformity check must be completed, this says that it is something quite useful and that gives even more confidence in the platform, without mentioning that it must go through 3 more limits. It is a very beneficial tool for users.

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Technical Summary


Source white paper

Caspian is a joint venture between Tora Trading Services Limited (and its affiliates, “Tora”), a global leading cloud based front-to-back technology provider to buy side institutions; and Kenetic Trading Systems Limited (together with its affiliates, “Kenetic”), a leading blockchain and cryptocurrency investment firm.


Key Features

Caspian has three main technical points in which its way of working is framed, these go hand in hand with the products they offer (explained above) which each has a specific purpose.

Execution: With the OEMS tool the users have all the organization permissions, at the moment of executing Caspian they can personalize the web, this tool provided by TORA gives a fairly wide access to the user. "OEMS enables access to all order types, asset types, and ticket sizes supported by a given exchange." In general terms, Caspian with OEMS generates a more user-friendly interface, making life even easier for the user since the customer feels that he can configure everything to his liking, such as alerts for example. The execution of Caspian allows that many useful activities can be done that gives the essence to the objective of the platform.

Position & Risk Management: Risk management is very important for Caspian, it is about investments and assets that are being worked on, that is why this platform offers two fundamental tools which are PMS and RMS, which allow the user to monitor their assets, so that everything inside the platform is completely transparent. With OEMS it creates a perfect gear since the latter is in charge of making everything lighter and mobile, the permissions for each user in the case of customization, as far as PMS and RMS fulfill an important task of collecting each particle of data from perpetuity, in this aspect this tool keeps all the necessary records of each movement of the asset, so that it handles any risk that it may suffer because it is filing everything.

Compliance and Reporting: It is important to stay informed, more when a platform manages your investments that is why Caspian has a specific tool that gives the user a report of the movements of their assets, when needed. For its part, Caspian has limits, that is, as a client it has two levels of very useful limits that provide high security, so that the exchange must be safe and transparent for the report, so they are applied as limit levels. so that everything is in order, being the last limit the one in charge of sending an alert to the user informing what happened.

The token.

The Caspian token (CSP) is an ERC-20 compliant token to be issued on theEthereum blockchain.


The Caspian token is basically an incentive for the platform, users can feel motivated with the use of it, besides it makes sense since they are working with cryptocurrency assets, because they do not have one. In addition, it helps in large part to the development of the platform.
The token in Caspian is useful but not necessary, since it was created with the purpose of enriching the community of the platform, not as a monetary resource, although it is worth noting that it is a good incentive for developers, since they are awarded prizes and recognitions for their development wit. In a few words the value of the token can be found by the same user since it is not necessary for the use of the platform but it can unlock more benefits.

To know more about the Token, click here

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Cryptocurrency adoption to everyone.

How can Caspian help cryptocurrency adoption for individuals as well as institutions?

At present it is very normal to hear about cryptocurrencies or digital assets, several people work with it and other corporations too, but it is not a secret for anyone that not everyone knows how to handle this type of markets, in fact several corporations refuse to to be updated using cryptocurrencies since they claim that the fact of managing several platforms to monitor different assets is a very heavy task, for their part ordinary people think that it is a somewhat stressful job to have to open several servers at the same time, without mentioning all the problems that this would have.


So Caspian offers an escape to all those challenges that people and corporations face when adopting the use of cryptocurrencies, since this is a unique platform that manages ALL the assets at the same time, ie as an induviduo or corporation it will only be necessary to enter a single platform from which you can monitor the entire assets market, all the cryptocurrencies, as well as invest, reinvest, make exchanges and other things that Caspian presents with its numerous tools. In this context, the Caspian platform is very attractive for corporations and individuals, making it easier to work with cryptocurrencies.


The company PowerLife SA, is a company in charge of the creation and distribution of high-end electronic devices in technology, its shareholders team met as they wish to innovate the investment of assets in their corporation, because they feel a step back in terms of economy is about and since it is a large company and the branch of technology is the logical thing to be updated in that aspect. Thus they called their financial assistants, this resulted in one of them proposed to take the step to the financial adoption of cryptocurrencies, the shareholders were not sure because they know that the cryptocurrency market is a world that needs constant Monitoring on different platforms at the same time, that would lead them to hire a whole team to perform this task and in the end it would be counterproductive.



They gave the financiers a task, looking for ways to use cryptocurrencies but in the most efficient way possible. Each one was given the task of investigating and this is how he came to the table at the "Caspian " meeting, the financial assistants explained that it is a new platform that allows managing all the assets at the same time, even though they are managed Caspian cryptocurrency volumes will control all this from a single interface, plus it has a high security and customizable tools that make the life of the consumer easier.
In this way the shareholders were delighted with the idea and already now months later, the company adopted Caspian to manage all its assets and they are the pioneering electronic company in the branch of asset management.

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What are the shortcomings of having to manage multiple balances across multiple exchanges?

The market for cryptocurrencies is increasingly on the rise, this makes more and more users more and more, that is why the server can collapse because if a person or a corporation has several assets, it must grease all the platforms simultaneamente, this generates stress and fatigue both the user and the platforms, that is the main disadvantage, on the other hand the time spent by the customer is greater since it must search several virtual wallets and not just one more, on the other hand riskier aspects are handled , since several data are manipulated at the same time, there are several types of exchange and this makes it a very vulnerable process.
All these disadvantages are what make many companies and people do not take the step to adopt the use of cryptocurrencies since they see it as a complicated and unsafe task due to the disadvantages of management, at present there is Caspian that would facilitate the decision to all the people and corporations that wish to adopt the use of cryptocurrencies since with this platform goodbye is said to all those problems, because it handles all the assets from a single platform, besides that the user has transparent access to everything and It offers layers of security that make everything better, not to mention that everything is being reported in real time.

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Road Map


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Some Demo videos

Compliance Demo

Position Management Demo

Caspian OEMS demo

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To know more about the topic CHECK MY VIDEO BONUS

Caspian Demo Trailer

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The market for cryptocurrency and assets is on the rise, which is why Caspian responds to several challenges it faces, being an intermediary between each of the platforms and the user since it concentrates the information and management of all the assets in single a platform with an interface personified by the same user at your convenience. It is very useful to use Caspian for ordinary people and corporations in the same way, since it offers a very important set of tools in terms of security, transparency, reports and organization, turning the platform into a very easy channel to manage when investing and monitoring the assets.

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The team that make it possible


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Advisor and partnerts


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More Resources check this##

Caspian Website
Caspian WhitePaper
Caspian Steemit
Caspian YouTube
Caspian Telegram
Caspian Videos
Caspian Blog
Caspian Events
Caspian News
Caspian Linkedin
Caspian Management

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