Do your mom, dad and siblings read this right now? You would pick a boyfriend over any of them?
Then I thought about it a little more and was like "@trumpman is a lucky bastard, YEAH! This woman loves him....That's true love, no shite mate"
Then I thought about it even more and concluded: "OK that's "steemit romance" as @trumpman is probably the only one from her circle who will be reading this! So, as @nonamelefttouse said...Michael Bolton :P LOL
Your post made me go like this:
Do your mom, dad and siblings read this right now? You would pick a boyfriend over any of them?
Then I thought about it a little more and was like "@trumpman is a lucky bastard, YEAH! This woman loves him....That's true love, no shite mate"
Then I thought about it even more and concluded: "OK that's "steemit romance" as @trumpman is probably the only one from her circle who will be reading this! So, as @nonamelefttouse said...Michael Bolton :P LOL
Hey, we are supposed to pick someone for a trip, never knew the planet would go to ashes during our lunar vacation :P
Tried to be smart with you here and your IQ was proven to be by far superior than mine! In other words, ME ΔΙΚΑΣΕΣ :P
Υπερβολές... Απλώς δεν ψάρωσα :P