That's not really a functioning propeller?
A. if its a functioning(Battery powered) automated propeller or if its a part
It can be used for miniature windmills,planes, or just a cool figure to be around.
B. Its not a functioning automated(Battery powered) propeller then its manual which againg can be used for the same stuff such as the windmill, plane and figure.
it can also paint brush/pencil holder of some sort
Tooth pick holder
Just a small cylindrical empty container.
Anyway that is my guess.
This is extra by the way.
Also you should check out the cool bamboo or string instrument propeller where you use a bamboo, a piece of string and a of course a propeller.
Thank you for your ideas, but you may try again;) Here's a little hint: This propellor has a special purpose and not everyone is able to get one!