There are times under the heavens. There are times when swords open flesh and causes blood of the innocent to rain. There are times when humans are carefree and less concerned about that lonely person sitting on a bus; that person in the office that has been working for years but had never been noticed. There are times when enemies seek out their pound of flesh; and hateful emotions becomes order of the day.
Yet in all of these times, there is a time when enemies become friends and friends become brothers. A time when we no longer smell the fumes of gun powder choking and seizing our breath. A time when we breathe love and happiness as it causes teary faces to smile and mouths to laugh like there is no hate in the world. A time when the rejected and neglected are embraced with the warm hands of hope and promise. A time when houses on fire are quenched by the fan of peace and unity. It is a time when strangers are welcomed into homes unknown. A time when the birth of one child sweeps away everything evil. It is a time when Christmas comes calling