Thank you!
Regarding the rules, I was suggesting to write for example like this
IN PARAGRAPHS LIKE THIS - For example: requirements
- with bullets points
- tags
- timeframe
It is more readable and understandable, especially for no english speakers kids =)
I understand that the reward is coming from the 75% of the post payout, but this can't be very encouraging if the pay out is 3.2SBD or 2,35SBD. I believe that if you propose less challenges, you will have a bigger payout and high participation.
Also, I encourage you to be clear from the beginning about the quantity of rounds your want to introduce. Because I personally can't keep up more than 1 round a week, it is not only for the time, but for the quality of my creativity. This week you already proposed 3 entries. I believe that if you want quality content, (people spend time to make illustrations/write/create and post) 3 rounds in 1 week is really too much for us.
Of course this is a long term contest, I am just saying that if you want to keep us competing for longtime, you also have to be understanding!
I tried to use the bullet points and it made all my list of numbers turn into 1's... So not exactly sure what to do there..
Sorry if the reward isn't encouraging, I can only upvote for around $2.. So.. Anything more than that is up to the generousness of others. In time I have a have a feeling I will gain the attention of a whale or something and it will improve a lot, even today I got some help from another person who is near where I am in terms of ability to reward posts and even that little bit helps, but.. I dunno what to say. I focused this challenge on the long term grand prize, everything else is sort of just a bonus in my mind.
I don't know how many rounds I will be doing, I mentioned in my OP that I don't know and I'll figure it out as I go. I recently decided to post once a day for the first week in order to encourage more users to join which I think will help the contest as a whole, so if you're too busy.. I apologize.. I'm posting a lot in the beginning in order to get more people playing. I'm going to slow down after the first week and probably just post once or twice a week after that. If you are too busy, I apologize.
When you say it's too much for "us" I dunno what to say, I've had numerous people entering all 3 competitions every day so far and, some people seem to be able to handle it just fine. Though ultimately look.. I don't have time to keep up this pace either.. Which is why I'm just doing a lot in the beginning and them I'm slowing down.
I hope you understand, but at this point.. I'm going to keep posting every day for the first week because I want to grow the competition and give everyone a sort of fair playing field and starting area. For example.. If I do a challenge every day, that gives any person who discovers this by the 6th day a chance to enter all the previous challenges. And each time a person enters a challenge they create a post on their page which potentially brings more people to the competition.
I already see this is working sandrina. My followers have gone up like.. 40 in the past few days or more.. And the people actively participating in each challenge has increased noticeably. I really really really see this as very important to do a bunch of challenges in the beginning, it's sort of like an ICO (initial coin offering) those who invest at the beginning will be in much better shape down the long run.
And hey.. Even if you miss like.. the next 5-7 challenges or more, you should still be fine! This competition is designed so that you can miss a bunch and still be in a good position. Which is one reason I don't even expect the judges to be present and I give them the freedom to interact as much or as little as they want. No one is being forced to participate, everyone is voluntarily choosing to do so and I hope you'll continue to play even if you can't keep up with the challenges during this first week. <3
Hi my friend, thanks for taking the time to explain.
I expressed my doubts because when I do creative work I spent time and put my passion in it (it took me 4 hours to do the moon celery gif, just to make you understand how long it might take). A good illustration can take until 5-6 hours. It is not like 15 minutes post content.
However, this is your contest, so I respect your decision, to do 7 rounds in the first week and as much as you like afterwards.
At the moment, I am just very discouraged because I see judges already voting even before I do my entry.
What is the point for me to submit entries for round 1 and 3 if I start disadvantaged?
I know you are a kind soul, but I think judges should only vote after all the entries have been submitted after 7 days, because again if you want quality entries and not 15 minutes post content, it takes time and I don't want to rush to post as soon as possible, if I want to post a good entry.
What do you think? Is there such a rule among judges to vote only after all the entries have been done?
You're welcome. I value you as a friend and as a player in this world.
That's both cool and I see your point in regards to how much time you spent, however.. I'm not really sure what to say there. I would HOPE that the people who spend more time on their entries get rewarded for it more than the quickies. Or just the best content in general regardless of how much time was spent.
Yet.. This is a difficult contest as I mentioned, you sorta need to decide how much time and effort you wanna spendon any given challenge. Some may be more suited to you than others, some you might wanna skip totally.. And some you might wanna spend 4 hours on! PS I was already thinking about voting for that one but knowing you spent so much time on it makes me even more likely to. However I still can't promise, I want to try to be fair and see as many entries as possible before I vote.
And.. I apologize for I think you're referring to harj?
I saw one vote by a judge and I told him numerous times I think it's better to wait until the end to see all the entries, but that's his choice.
I could ask the community or the judges or both if they think we should change it so that judges don't vote until the end.
Do you think they should not be allowed to vote sooner?
I agree with you by the way that the judges should wait and I am pretty sure I told all of them this.. So.. I guess if you think it's important enough, we can make an issue out of it and I can bring the subject up to those involved. I'm happy to try to work with you and others to make this better. :)
Yes, I am exactly referring to it. Now I am preparing a song for the round 1: a song means, preparing the lyric, the chords, practice and make a video out of it. It is time demanding. I don't want to dowload a photo of someone and share it just do to an entry. If for you the information finding championship is an exchange of information is another story.
I value my "comedy" (I don't even call it art) and I think that if you want to award originality and creativity, you should give the time to everybody to submit their entry within 7 days and then the judges will upvote based on the general level.
I don't want to make any issue, you guys decide.
A song, wow. That's awesome. Okay.. Umm.. What if a judge is going to be busy later in the week and can only vote earlier? Do you really think judges shouldn't be allowed to vote earlier?
If you still do after what I just said above, then I will make changes. In the end it is my competition and I can change the rules.
Lemme know what you think based on the argument that judges may need to vote early because they are too busy to vote later?
I'm a lil confused what you mean in regards to this part.
I'm not sure what you mean here! But I think some challenges are quicker and easier than others as well, like the one about picking a future contest, that shouldn't take someone more than like 5 to 10 or 20 minutes to think of something and they could do it while riding the bus to work or whatever.. I'm gonna do a funny selfie contest, that takes like a minute to take a funny picture of yourself.. I mean..Some of these are really quick and easy, I think it sorta depends on how deep you wanna go with it.
BY THE WAY... Since you like comedy so much, I'm going to give you a lil hint. A headstart, the next challenge is going to be about comedy. :) So.. I definitely hope you'll stick around for that one, but I understand if you're too busy!
PS I was just thinking..
Maybe we could make it so that the judges have to vote at the very end UNLESS they are too busy, and if they like have a family meeting or whatever and can't do it, then they can vote early. How does that sound? Is that a fair compromise?
ANd I am completely out of tune at singing, it is awful auhauhaua
Great! :) Glad we got that resolved. And I agree the more I think about it.. The judges should wait till the end, BUT.. If they for some reason won't be available at the end, then they can vote early.
Alrighty.. I'll try to get that message through to the judges in the next day or two.
Cheers friend! :) Talk to you later and hope you're having a good day or night or whatever time it is where you are!