Roses are red, roses are not violet
Roses are pink, roses are not indigo
roses are yellow, roses are not blue
roses are black, roses are not green
Oh, stop it all, don't read anymore
leave me alone, go read something somewhere else
roses are orange, roses are not drake's neck
roses are red, roses are not puke
roses are white, roses are not labrador
I said stop, pass on by, go away
Oh, and leave no footprint
Be a ghost, be invisible and all silently powerful for once
Won't you? Don't embarass me. Just go away.
Roses are many colours, but roses are no rainbow
Roses are flowers, but they are not fruits, especially dry fruits...
You still here? Oh no, if you are still reading, bet you want to reward me with an upvote.
But, didn't you hear me. I said no, scoot... go away.
Roses are roses and I am me.
I don't have a garden, so roses can't have me.
And my husband never buys me roses
So I don't weep.
So listen strange stranger, after all this now, if you still vote for me,
I will speak the words.. that you will find them red roses everywhere, and many more so in your afternoon cup of tea!!
Hmmm. Unless you hate red apples more, it's better for you to flee.
Go on then, I don't know you, do I, so bye bye!
Oh yeah, and before you go don't be a forgetful brat,
don't forget to upvote all the rest gals and guys!
Round 4 is ready! You can join here: