I shouldn't be telling you this, but there is a difference between asking and making a rule. And you made it a rule, and you already know it. But what you don't know is that this is harming yourself only.
Maybe you earn few followers, but not respect.
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If you want to be a part of the contest, you have to be a part of the community. If you do not follow @vocalists-trail then you will likely not keep up with the stages of the contest. If you want to be a part of the contest, then the 'rules' or 'guidelines' are not much to ask. Open mic has very strict rules. And so this contest has a few! If there's a problem then don't enter the contest.
Also, there will be stricter rules come into play in the next stage of the contest. There will be judges and a voting procedure that is fair on all contestants. Those contestants with the better talent and even equipment and experience will play a huge role in the winner of this contest. Fan bases will have an effect as well. There's lot's to consider at the end stages. FOR NOW though, @vocalists-trail is in CALL OUT stage. The next stage will be much more serious. For now, people have the chance to have some fun :)