Can you guess what is this ? Give an appropriate caption, and stand in a chance to win 10 SBD. Runner up will get 8 SBD, and two mentions will get 1 SBD each.
The Winner and Runner up will be judged by @klye
- Upvote this post and leave your caption as comment in this post.
- Caption should be within 10 words.
- General entries using words such as Nice, Beautiful etc will not be accepted.
- Usage of vulgar or obscene words will be considered as disqualification and even may be flagged.
- Only entries posted as comments here will be considered. You are free to create posts using this image.
- You should give only one entry. Giving more than one entry will disqualify your participation.
- You may resteem this so that we have more participants to make this more funny and increase the reward.
- will be used to see the voting details. So if you are participating make sure, you also upvote from the same account.
- Deadline of submission is till Sunday. I will accept submissions till I make a post on Monday for selection along with all entries .
Contributions 💰 are most welcome to increase the awards.
Questions ? Suggestions ? You are most welcome!!!
If you want to include your art or photograph in this contest, then please let me know on Steemit chat or discord, or comments in one of my post.
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Thank top witness @klye for sponsoring the Caption Contest, and agree to judge the contest, go toss him a vote on the witness list:

Wish you all Merry Christmas !!!
Raped and Begged, but still the child look at mother
Past is mentor, Poverty is duel, Peace is the goal.
Humanity lies between white peace and dark poverty.
"Wall of a rich house"
Picture of struggled past in-lights the future.
Mother Theresa; A vaccum yet to be filled.
Come Christmas, surprise your girlfriend. Meet her with her wife!
Only God can end all the misery we are suffering.
My grandma is a Saint, she is surrounded by doves...
Mother Teresa, pray for the children of the world.
I Am Waiting For Love From The Mother Of World .
Child finally reaches mother's love
One Mother who treated all children as her own.
Lovely edition! :) We respect Mother Teresa in our country a lot. Here is my entry:
Rebirth of Mother Teresa, rebirth of new hope!
A mother to all; hope for all
Mother of peace, do the charity.
The Mother who saw good in everything - a divine soul.
Protect Nature (the ultimate Mother) for future generations to come
Mother Teresa - The sweetest mother of this world.
Love is immune ; sorrow is addicting.
Hunger, thirsty, poverty are here, Mom where are you?
The Mother who spread only love - an example for all.
"Mother of all Hope & Orphans Angel - Mother Teresa"
"Only Symbol of Peace, Love & Equality-Mother Teresa"
A selfless woman with a peaceful heart of gold.
White, black & colourful - The various stages of life
My caption comes from my knowledge of the human mind, where hope has been cited throughout psychological literature as the one quality that keeps the human individual alive in even the darkest times of war, famine and crisis. Without hope there is no life as ones mind then enters into darkness and is then no longer willing to strive for survival.
⭐️ For only hope is that which can sustain life ⭐️
Happy new year everyone, let’s all maintain hope for the coming year, no matter the challenges we face 🌸❤️
Hope : Finding comfort in the midst of evil.
Mother of all mothers sending her love through some doves.