Attention all photographers and Image editors
photo from
EASY to take a great photo of.In my daily curation as an @ocd curator. I come across a lot of photos. I love photography, it is a beautiful art form, and we have a plethora of great photographers on steemit, but I have always wanted to hold a photography contest. Thing is... I am tired of seeing sunsets, mountains, grand trees, beaches, and all other things majestic. I feel like those things sometimes are
Don't get me wrong, I know its still a skill.
What I want to see is a great photo of something boring mundane average.
- It is a photography contest
- You can manipulate the photo but must be recognizable to the original
If you do this, please provide before and after pictures
- It MUST be a photo you took
no editing someone else's work No plagiarism
- Create a post with your entry and link it in the comments.
- Resteem this post to help spread the word.
If you do this, please provide before and after pictures
no editing someone else's work No plagiarism
1st place
-12 STEEM + (plus a personalized monster drawing of your likeness/personality with a corresponding legend)
2nd place
3rd place
In this streem, the viewers will be the judge of 3rd place.@acidyo and I will judge 1st and 2nd place. But for 3rd place @acidyo will be streaming at:
We will We will be accepting entries until this post pays out, and will announce it the next day. Thank you!
Ill play your contest saywha!
My son and I spend a lot of time together. We like to go to the park in the morning and walk around the lake and then of course chase the geese and ducks that surround the lake. I was able to snap this photograph on one such day.
I believe spending time with your children is great for fundamental development. I hope you enjoy this photo as much as I do.
EDIT: Link to my post. Sorry about that.
Things Were Done, An Entry Was Made...
Slowly, his brow furrowed with resolve. He knew finally what he must do and there would be no cursed shade in all the pits of hell which might thwart him. He was sweating bullets with a steel-eyed gaze. With white knuckled death grip on the apparatus, he held steady. Cautiously but firmly he squeezed the button on the low budget camera's creaking eldritch frame. Momentary shard of pregnant silence then... a cold mechanical click signified that the corrupting deed had been done. Only now... he began to fear. Suddenly, the realization dawned like an icy black sun, that a terrible spawn had crossed over from the teaming void of bad ideas into this unsuspecting world; a Really Boring Photo(TM) had been brought into abominable creation.
The unholy offering had been made and @jbgarrison72 had been irredeemably entered into @saywha's contest.
Thanks for adding the pic to this. Itll make judging easier :)
I saw everyone else was doing it, so... figured I better too. :D
Here is my entry:
i think i nailed this. my entry to this contest.
That pun though.
My humble entry.

To view it in its true form click HERE.
Thanks for the contest! 😃
hi @saywha heres my entries
Amstedam bike pillars - my submission :) Have a good day
Hi @saywha! Here's my entry hehe.
I tried my hardest to find the most mundane thing I could. I think I did ok. Check out my boring picture here:
Hello! Here is my entry:
Great theme! I love it.
Here is my first entry: a barber chair.
it looks creepy hehe but nice one tho 👏 😊
Thank you! I was going for creepy :)
Here is my entry:

Do check the original post for a laugh ^.^
did you make that to take a picture?
Oh hell no! Haha
I attended some event and this was how they were lined up when I got outside :p
I wouldn't really want to touch cigarette-butts. Gross.
My entry:
space emptiness and hollow
Here is my entry nothing more boring than sorting buttons. Seriously worst thing ever.
Here is the post I made to go along with it, because the story behind why they are boring is just as important as the photo.
Titillatingly boring! :D
thank you, I knew someone else would have to see how boring this is.
Hey @saywha, here's my entry!
This has got to be the most boring photo I have. It was part of a contest that got a little less that zero participation. Now that is truly boring. I heard about your contest from a post by @rebeccabe I hope her photo is here too as it was so boring. I'm losing the will to write
Lol... well I know the feeling ... I am thinking of entering a second photo into the contest since I am feeling like this should be a contest I could win .. LOL .. you need a link to your photo to enter also..Maybe you put that and I didn't see it... @molometer I am starting a beginning photography class on Monday wouldn't it be great to say I won a photo contest ...Lol.. I will notify you when I post my second entry. Lol
There is nothing boring, there are only bored people.
Many cheers!
Here are my BORING entries for your photo contest.
Hello @saywha,
✅This post was upvoted and resteemed.
i like this subject so much i did a whole post on it. if you need me to choose a particular photo for the contest let me know, otherwise choose whichever one you like the best.
Cool topic! Here is my boring entry :P
My entry
Here's my entry of a piece of electronics board I found in the trash:
Hi @saywha! Here's my boring fish in a bag from the fish market. Made for a delicious dinner. :)
Resteemed your "boring" contest!
im in @saywha here is the link
My entries :
Doesn't get much more boring than this ;)
Entry two!!
Nice dull contest and right up alley! Here's my entry 😜
Here is my entry: soap bubbles!
Fun contest!
Here is my entry, a photo that is a few years old, but still...
Here's my boring picture of wheelbarrows feeling lonely
with related blog post
Hi, this is my entry Boring Lemon Tea
Here's my entry #1
Here is my entry
Got to be in for this, back in a cold winter I was bored and took photos of simple plain boring water drops
and Oops I need to make a post with it silly me, will do that tomorrow

I hope I make it to number 1! I wish all of the other photographers luck and fun vibes.
I thought I could bring some light in this contest with my entry found in here
hey there.. here is my entry:
Here is my entry,
Upvoted, Resteemed,My entry,
This is my entry for the boring photo contest. 😊
I can has entry too?
What a concept for a contest - here is my entry: