Time to attack:

OMG! What are you doing? You go to draw three arrows but forget to put your belt on and your pants fall down. You drop your bow to protect your Tralala and are forced to run from the battle field. As you flee, flashing everyone with your bare buttcheeks, the foe gently inserts a knife in your back ...you lose a life! Please bring your belt next time!
"Team Rocket's blasting off again!"
Haha oh man, such a tough round..your pickpock didn't work as needed individual line and the command has changed a bit (check instructions:)).This battle was trophy worthy, but i got some probs my end, so please help yourself to one item from the shop for any stage you wish. Cheers
Thanks! And the pickpocket woulnd't have mattered much, both Jessie & James were left pantsless and rocketing skyward! Lmao