These are the bugs.
instead of "else if"
"{ consle.log(x + " even");"
There is no curly base at the end.
There is no 'if' there.
expected output.
for (var x=1; x <=5 ; x+=)
if (x === 0) { console.log(x + " is zero"); }
else if (x % 2 === 0) { consle.log(x + " even"); }
else if { console.log(x + " is odd"); }
"People are mostly focused on defending the computers on the Internet, and there's been surprisingly little attention to defending the Internet itself as a communications medium." - W. Daniel Hillis
hello @seyiodus, I did a edit with the question as I understand that it seems a little confusing. You can edit your answer once. Good Luck!