3 sbd giveaway for a photo of the moon

in #contest7 years ago

hello dear steemians,

@camilus @sheilamenher

you are the winners! (2 sbd each)

and since I enjoyed your comments so much I added 2 second places (1 sbd each):

@anikearn @rehan12

thanks to all the participants. you all made me want to travel so much.

Now, the rules for next contest are:

  1. please take a picture of the moon from where you are, and post it as a cmment to this post.

  2. follow my blog! thanks!

I will choose 3 winners that will be selected randomly and give 1 sbd each.

Deadline is in 24 hours.



Moon sighting from above a bridge in my hometown ..


Location: Isla de Margarita - Venezuela. Dock in pampatar

Hello friend @shubaca430 I hope you're well, thanks again for your contest, after a night something moved in the hospital where I work, attend several patients, I decided to climb to the top of the building where the city is shown. A place where you will find tranquility, a lighted city, in which thousands of whole families are hiding to rest or simply not to go out because of insecurity.

However there is nothing that opaques the beauty of a city. My city Maracay-Venezuela.

I took this picture with my phone Zte mini NX402


Location: Aceh - Indonesia this is what I can keep for you from my place @shubaca430

Hope you like @shubaca430

Thanks @shubaca430

while I would love to take part in this contest but unfortunately there is no moon today in the Sky Today from where I am :(

Hi @shubaca430 , This is my submission to the Photo Month contest.

Location: Simpang Lading - Lhoksukon, Aceh Province Indonesia

IMG_3932 (2).JPG

I congratulate the winners of the previous contest,
do not want me to miss the next contest here's my entry:


Please see it:

This beautiful month.
Taken using Xiaomi Mobile..

taken from google :)

with some grey clouds out there
🌒 is not visible,though this one is 🌒

la hermosa luna y su reflejo


[fuente]Tomada con el celular motorola

De regreso de mi caminata al parque el reflejo de la luna en el agua.

Back from my walk to the park the reflection of the moon in the water.

Barcelona, Edo Anzoátegui, Venezuela

From: Caracas - Venezuela
The camera that I used is Sony HDR-GWP88V.Hello @shubaca430 this is my picture of the moon during the day.

20180606_223123.jpg The moon is hiding, but here are two stars!

DSC04498c (1).jpg
Banglore, India.

Hi,i am also from INDIA but from Chennai

Nice to meet you , its good to see indians on the platform , by the way I have followed you .

Oh thankyou i am also following you.

This is the photo of the moon to take at dawn today... maybe the moon wasn't very happy and didn't give me your best... but here this is the moon taken in front of my house in Maracaibo, Venezuela


Thank you @shubaca430! I'm happy with the prize, with all my love I wish you success ... I admire your work

Hi,Today in my area is completly cloudy so i get these only.


Location Chennai,India

full moon

taken from Mérida venezuela

Moon sighting in my area ..


Thank you.

Please see here

Area: North Aceh,Indonesia.
Date: 7 Juny 2018.
Time: 22:46 WIB.

aaawwwe drat! not only is is daylight outside for me now that I found your contest, it's all cloudy and I can't even see the open sky. so.... no moon to photo for us up here in Minnesota, heh

Hi @shubaca430!

Here is my entry:

I took it with my evolution II cellphone

Waxing Crescent

The link to my view bug photography website https://www.viewbug.com/photo/76010015

@resteemator is a new bot casting votes for its followers. Follow @resteemator and vote this comment to increase your chance to be voted in the future!

Felicitaciones bellisimas imagenes me encanta.

Congratulations beautiful images I love.

Yippee! So glad i finally won... thanks @shubaca430... I'm grateful!

It is the superluna 2016. I took over a plant lechoza
