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RE: [FREE SBD] What Did You Learn About SteemIt Today?

in #contest7 years ago

Trial and error, that's the only way to find out things. If you don't try, you'll never know. If you try and fail, you learn that's not the way to go. We can't move forward and become better at what we do without making mistakes. Try everything you think that would work and don't feel bad if it doesn't. It's just another step on the road to success.

If I may give you a tip: please do not focus on the money too much at first. The first couple of months aren't about the money because as a beginner, it's hard to earn even a couple of cents. You'd better focus on your music and how SteemIt will give you the opportunity to share it with the world.
You'll learn a lot of things along the way, and you'll be improving your skills - things that will eventually lead to earnings.
The bigger part of the people that come here and focus on the money, end up being al frustrated and demotivated because they're only earning a couple of cents with their posts.

Simply enjoy making your music - it will reflect in your post, and people will notice - and try out loads of things to get it noticed. Make a video, enter contests (with your music, but also to show people the person behind the musician), maybe host your own contest. * I'm just thinking out loud here, but you could for example post an instrumental song, or one with only the first strophe, and ask people to find their own lyrics*

So instead of focusing on making money:
1 - let people know who you are - you're more than only a musician
2 - be creative in finding ways to get out your music and be noticed
3 - Try, and if you fail, get up again and try something new
4 - In case you're not earning a lot in the beginning, don't get demotivated. Even the big guys started out earning almost nothing from their posts. Be persistent, and believe in yourself!
5 - If you're creating something, don't think of the money, simply enjoy what you're doing.
Whatever the SteemIt ads have promised you, forget all of it. To make it here, it requires hard work, dedication and persistence.