I Have the same List, ROFLOL! I try to read every day, but Steemit has been cutting into my reading time lately! It is a fun book, but most of my spare reading time right now is on Herbals.
I did manage to make some Kombucha tea and Yogurt today at least.
Your name caught my eye at first, and I enjoy reading your stuff!
Be Blessed Sir! :D
Ebooks make it so much worse I have 10s of thousands ebooks in my ebook digital library (making me a pretty big nerd I guess). I download every ebook thinking I'll need it one day. Ends up all I need is huge disk raid storage.
OH NO, I though I was the only one with a digital monster of back logged books! I found www.gutenberg.org and things got a lot worse, ROFLOL!
I try to open one at a time, and read it until it is gone, but I added internet to my phone, and the E-Books slowed to a trickle!
I have My Fathers Coffee cup, that says "So many books, So little time"! He was a voracious reader also, as is my Son, LOL!
Raid Storage for e-book, LOL. I keep hoping to loose them!
What kind do you like? I mostly like Sci Fy, and History books, but read everything I a can get my hands on.
Thanks I try and add something to Steemit. Cool name and free SBD is about the best I can do since writing is't a strong area.
Writing is a time eater for sure, and I do get a little long winded when I hit a topic I am in to! I am enjoying Steemit a lot, my only concern is the flagging wars that some people seem to get into. That one thing could ruin the platform. Besides that I have met a lot of nice people, and learned a lot of good stuff. It doesn't get much better than that.
I am playing a little on Discord, but it is not as smooth as Steemit. I will need to try harder there I guess.
Be Blessed!