Steemit, Together Against Injustice Contest #2 Entry

in #contest7 years ago


This contest
by @gandhibaba asks contestants to write an essay telling why the victims of rape (mostly women and girls) should not be blamed and stigmatized for being raped, and what you think can be done to prevent rape.

My entry

Educating children from a young age about the dignity of life and respect for girls and boys as equal human beings is one way to prevent rape and also not blaming the victims. It is also very important that the adults model this attitude of respect by not making crude jokes, cat-calling or making degrading comments towards women. When children see or hear these things, adults should explain why this type of behavior is not right. If the children are taught to value girls and boys and to do unto others what you would have them do unto you, I think it will prevent such abuse in the future. Education is the key to prevention.


Photo taken with my Samsung Galaxy s7.


I am new member in steemit.upvoting dan follow @rikineng

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Thank You! ⚜

your photos are very impressive.

I agree with you. Moral education can bring the biggest change.

Thank you. Unfortunately it has not been done so well