The theme of this contest is interesting, mainly because the central question is not a very difficult question to ask, in fact it could ensure that more than half of the population has questioned about what it could do for the planet to help it. Although sadly it only remains in an approach and not in an action.
Well What initiatives can an individual make to clean the land of plastics?
Well the most obvious thing for me is to try to reduce the plastic that we waste, use or throw away when we could use them for other purposes. It's simple, and many may agree that the answer to a comment like this would be: Is not it obvious? But no, I think that with such simple questions we will probably focus on broad things, when first we should take the small things and make them come true, we are not the kind of person who preaches and does not fulfill.
The great campaigns? They are more than welcome, but the most valuable initiative is the example. The example indirectly invites other people to want to do the same as you. We can not force people in the world to become aware of the importance of reducing the use of plastics to avoid the consequences of their use, but we can become aware of ourselves, because our conscience belongs to us.
So we learn in our own homes to reuse as much as we can plastic containers, in my country cleaning products can be sold by taking your plastic containers (which you have used previously) to re-fill the packaging of the product, most of them People do not buy bottles of water on the street but they try to bring their own bottles from home to avoid waste. Something that is also important is that we increase the number of bins in our cities, public transport should have a bin or something inside the unit, because it makes me very angry when someone throws plastics or garbage through the window justifying that there is where to throw it away (pure excuses). And that these paper mills do not use plastic bags, because if this is the case we are not achieving the objective.
Also companies that sell beverages that reach the consumer in plastic containers, have millions of people planning advertising and can not improve that aspect in their product.
I think I would like to be a super genius and find a more effective, creative and intelligent answer to this question without feeling helpless trying to touch the hearts and conscience of people without any response. But for most mortal human beings, it is like that, we must fight against the indifference of others to important issues.
Let's love our planet, please. And for that we must take care of it.